"I don't know what side effects there will be in the future so I'm not sure if I will get vaccinated."
- "I don't know what side effects there will be in the future so I'm not sure if I will get vaccinated."
"I don’t know ~" 「〜か分からない」
"what side effects" 「どんな副作用」
"there will be" 「出る」
"in the future" 「後年」
"I'm not sure if I will get vaccinated" 「接種を迷う」
"I'm not sure" 「迷う」
"vaccination" 「接種」
I can't decide whether to get vaccinated or not because I'm not sure of what the side effects will be like in a few years.
I'm hesitating whether to get vaccinated or not because I'm not sure of what the side effects will be like in a few years.
この場合、「I cannot decide to have」という言い方を使えますので、そうすると、「I can't decide whether to get vaccinated or not because I'm not sure of what the side effects will be like in a few years.」になります。
また、「I'm hesitating」でも使えます。
その場合、「I'm hesitating whether to get vaccinated or not because I'm not sure of what the side effects will be like in a few years.」になります。