Whenever I want to develop a website, can you tell me what I should do to proceed?
I am still not sure of the company's procedures. I don't know who I should talk to and how I should proceed?
「開発したい案件(WEBサイト)がある時はどうやって進めればいい?」は英語で「Whenever I want to develop something, can you tell me what I should do to proceed?」になります。
また、「会社ではどのような手続きで、誰に何を、どのようにお願いして進めていいかわかりません。」と説明したいなら、英語で「I am still not sure of the company's procedures. I don't know who I should talk to and how I should proceed?」と言う風に言えます。
Could you please tell me what I should do when I want to help develop a website?
Would you please tell me what I should do when I want to help develop a website?
だから、「Could you please tell me what I should do when I want to help develop a website?」は的確だと思います。