世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2016/08/31 11:19
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  • I hope I can see you again, soon

  • Let's meet up again sometime soon

I hope I can see you again, soon =また会いたいなすぐに

文法的に少しおかしく思えるかもしれませんがこうすると最後のsoonが印象的です。勿論soonなしのI hope I can see you againだけでも大丈夫です。

Let's meet up again sometime soon =また近々会おうね
Meet up =待ち合わせる
Soon = すぐ

Meet upと言うと友達同士がカジュアルに待ち合わせる、と言ったニュアンスなので大人のデートや、「貴方は意中の人です」と全面でアピールしたい場合は避けた方がベターなフレーズかもしれません。

  • I hope there's a next time.

  • Let's do that again.

「I would like to see you again.」


I hope there's a next time.
Here's to next time. / Until next time.
Let's do that again.
Hope to see you again.
Let's hang again.(←「hang」はやや若者言葉で「遊ぶ」という意味です。今ではわりと一般的になっており、気軽な挨拶で使われることが多いです。)

また、直前に「I had fun.」(「楽しかったよ。」)をつける事もできます。


  • We should do this again

  • I hope to see you again

We should do this again
This implies that you had a great time and that you would like to see the person again

A: I had so much fun tonight
B: Me too
A: We should do this again
I hope to see you again

A: I really need to go home. It's getting late
B: I hope to see you again

We should do this again

A: I had so much fun tonight
B: Me too
A: We should do this again
I hope to see you again

A: I really need to go home. It's getting late
B: I hope to see you again

Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to see you again.

  • That was great! Would you like to meet up again?

  • When shall I see you again?

'When shall I see you again?' This is also a famous song by The Three Degrees.

'When shall I see you again?' The Three Degrees.の有名な曲です。

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I hope I could see you again soon !

  • I would be happy to meet you again soon !

  • It would be great if we could meet again soon !

日本語が「また会えると嬉しいな」でしたので、これは気軽に言いたい時の表現ですから、一番そのニュアンスにあうのは、I hope I could see you again soon ! 「会う」という動詞は、「口語表現」では、see を使うと「気軽に会う」というという感じになります。
次の I would be happy to meet you again soon ! は、かなりフォーマルな言い方です。
meet という動詞は、勿論通常のビジネスシーンでもどんどん使ってください。また、このような表現は国家元首でも使います。日本語には尊敬語や謙譲語がありますが、英語では主にこのように動詞によって、その場面の雰囲気や、言葉の重さを示していますので、英語の表現は動詞を含め一つの文章あるいはセグメントで覚えましょう!
It would be great if we could meet again soon ! は、「私達がまた一緒に会えたらいいね。」というように少し客観的に表現したい場合に用います。

Nagisa Todoroki アンクレア(株)代表、同時通訳者、技術翻訳者、教育学博士 (TESOL英語教授法、応用言語学者)
  • I really like to see you again.

  • Let's meet up again soon.

Any one of these sentences can be used to tell someone that you are interested in seeing them again for a second date.


Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I hope to see you again (soon).

  • Can we do this again (sometime)?

  1. "I hope..." is used to express something that you desire or wish. Therefore, this would be appropriate in this situation.

"To see (plus) you" - Here, we use the verb "see" and the pronoun "you" to express that you want to have this interaction (date) with this particular person.

  1. Finally, we can also use "Can we do this again", "Is it possible if we can do this again", etc. Which is usual when asking someone for permission.
    For example, "Can I use your phone?" or "Can you go with me to the mall, please?"
  1. I hope は、自分の願いや望むものを表現する時に使います。そのため、この場合に使えますよ。

  2. To see (plus) you:ここでseeや代名詞youを使うことでdateをしたいという意味を伝えることができます。

  3. Can we do this again?/ Is it possible if we can do this again?と伝えることもできます。
    例えばCan I use your phone?とかCan you go with me to the mall, please?など、普通は何か許可を求めるときに使いますよね。

Roscoe DMM英会話講師
  • I hope I can see you again soon!

  • Let's hangout again soon!

  • I had a great time tonight, when can I see you again?

Here are three great texts that you could send to someone after a date that went well or to someone that you hope to see again. The more casual one's would be, "I hope to see you again soon," or, "let's hangout again soon," because these are more open-ended on when the next date will happen. If the date went really well, we could say, "I had a great time tonight, when can I see you again?," because it directly is attempting to make a future plan and is less open-ended when the next date will be.

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I hope I can see you soon.



  • I enjoyed our togetherness tonight and I'm looking forward to a repeat.

  • What an evening that was! How about us getting together again soon?

  • What a wonderful evening we had!Let's meet again soon.What do you say?

The expression 'I enjoyed our togetherness' used in the first statement, means 'I enjoyed the state of us being close to each other' tonight.'I'm looking forward to a repeat' actually means 'I'm looking forward to us doing it again'.The expression 'what an evening that was!' used in the second invitation, is the same as saying, 'it was a wonderful evening'.In the third statement, you go further by asking invitingly, 'what do you say?'That's a very tempting question if she also enjoyed the evening.
So you may say:
I enjoyed our togetherness tonight and I'm looking forward to a repeat.
What an evening that was! How about us getting together again soon?
What a wonderful evening we had!Let's meet again soon.What do you say?

一つ目の例の 'I enjoyed our togetherness' は「(今晩は)一緒に過ごせて楽しかった」という意味です。
'I'm looking forward to a repeat' は 'I'm looking forward to us doing it again'(このようなことがまたできることを楽しみにしている)という意味です。

二つ目の例の 'What an evening that was!' は 'It was a wonderful evening'(今夜は楽しかった)と同じ意味です。

三つ目例では 'What do you say?'(どうですか)と相手を誘っています。相手もその夜のことを「楽しかった」と感じていれば、これは魅力的な誘いだと思います。

I enjoyed our togetherness tonight and I'm looking forward to a repeat.(今晩は一緒に過ごせて楽しかったです。またご一緒できたらうれしいです)

What an evening that was! How's about us getting together again soon?(今夜は本当に楽しかったです。また早いうちにお会いしませんか)

What a wonderful evening we had! Let's meet again soon. What do you say?(今夜は本当に楽しかったです。また早いうちに会いましょうよ。どうですか)

Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I had a great time. Can we meet up again soon?

  • I enjoyed the evening.Let's do this again soon!

1.I had a great time. Can we meet up again soon?
Always start off by letting the person know that you had
a fantastic time with them. The question "Can we meet up
again soon?" is actually a euphemism for "I'd really like to go
out on a date with you again soon!"

2.I enjoyed the evening.Let's do this again soon!
"Let's do this again soon!" basically means:I'd like
to see you again.

  1. I had a great time. Can we meet up again soon?(すごく楽しかったです。またすぐに会えますか)
    まずは、「楽しかった」で始めた方がいいでしょう。"Can we meet up again soon?" は "I'd really like to go out on a date with you again soon!"(ぜひまた近いうちにあなたとデートをしたい)を遠回しに言っています。

  2. I enjoyed the evening. Let's do this again soon!(今夜は楽しかったです。また会いましょうよ)
    "Let's do this again soon!" は要するに "I'd like to see you again."(また会いたいです)という意味です。

Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I had a very good time tonight and would love to go out again sometime soon.

  • Thanks for everything tonight. I genuinely enjoyed myself and hope that we can do this again soon.

If you have been on a date and want to go out on a second date with that person, you can say something like "I had a very good time tonight and would love to go out again sometime soon." or "Thanks for everything tonight. I genuinely enjoyed myself and hope that we can do this again soon.".


"I had a very good time tonight and would love to go out again sometime soon."

"Thanks for everything tonight. I genuinely enjoyed myself and hope that we can do this again soon."

Kharina DMM英会話講師
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