You should cut ties with people who superimpose their ideas and likes onto you.
「superimpose」と一緒にonto XXをよく使っています。
例:The artist superimposed the painting onto a map.
「縁を切る」はcut tiesとかcut of the/your relationshipとかend the/your relationshipなどです。
例文:You should stop hanging around anyone who superimposes their ideas and likes onto you.
"You should cut people out of your life that try to superimpose their likes and way of thinking on you."
- "You should cut people out of your life that try to superimpose their likes and way of thinking on you."
"you should ~” 「〜するべき」
"cut people out of your life" 「人とは縁を切る」
"people that try to superimpose ~ on you" 「〜を押し付ける人」
"their likes" 「自分の好み」
"way of thinking" 「考え方」"ideas" 「考え」も言えます。