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2016/09/02 16:02
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  • ① Can I ask you out on a date?

[デート](に[誘う](というアクションを英語では「ask out」と表現します。「ask out」は直訳すると「外へお出かけ」となりますが、ここでは「デートに誘う」という意味合いで使用されます。 英語にすると「① Can I ask you out on a date?」。 なので、海外の人に「デートに誘ってもいい?」と聞きたいのであれば、「Can I ask you out on a date?」といった表現がピッタリです。 シンプルな他のフレーズとして、"Would you like to go out with me?" [「私とデートを楽しみたいか?」] や "How about we go on a date?" [「いかがでしょう、私たちデートに行きましょうか?」]も使うことができます。 これらのフレーズは、日本のデート文化とは少し異なり、「公開の場で2人で過ごす」意味合いが強いです。この表現を使用すると、あなたが他の人目を気にせず、彼/彼女と楽しい時間を過ごしたい、という意図がより明確に伝わります。 ご参考になれば幸いです。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Can I ask you out?

  • Can I ask you out on a date?

Hey Maimai! ユーコネクトのアーサーです! [デート](しているは英語でいうと going out です。「デート」という言葉がなくても意味が伝わるのでこの場合も「デート」という言葉を使わなくても問題ありません。 Can I ask you out? もうちょっと明確にするとすると、 Can I ask you out on a date? です。 日本語の[〜してもいい?](はだいたい Can I 〜? です。 よろしくお願いします。 アーサーより
  • 1. I really want to ask you out for a date. Would that be OK for you?

  • 2. I'm hoping, if I ask you on a date, you'll say yes! What do you think?

  • 3. Would you be offended if I asked you on a date!

You are asking someone for their permission that you ask that person a different question! This very indirect approach is just a little too polite for people in the UK, but I understand that elsewhere this may be more normal. 1. This phrase asks the indirect question. 2. This alternative phrase is just indirectly asking for a date. It is a little less removed from reality than the first phrase. 3. This is another indirect question, here asking if the person would be upset about you asking a question. It somehow seems a little more concerned than phrase 1.
相手に許可を求める様々な表現です。この間接的なアプローチは、UKの人々にはちょっと丁寧すぎですが、これが他の場所ではむしろ普通かもしれない思い、丁寧な誘い方をご紹介します。 1.このフレーズは間接的な質問をする時に使います。 2.この代替フレーズは間接的にデートに誘う表現です。仮定の話を話すことで最初のフレーズより現実から少しだけ隔離されているニュアンスがあります。。 3.間接的な質問です。質問をする人があなたのことが嫌じゃないかを尋ねています。心なしかフレーズ1より少しだけ重い表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to go on a date with me?

  • Can I ask you out on a date?

Examples of asking someone on a date 1. Would you like to grab a coffee with me? 2. Would you like to catch a movie with me?
誰かをデートに誘う例 1. Would you like to grab a coffee with me? (一緒にコーヒーを飲みに行きませんか?) 2. Would you like to catch a movie with me? (一緒に映画を観に行きませんか?)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Would like to go out with me?

  • Are you available? I would like to take you on a date.

  • Are you interested in accompanying me for a night on the town?

The first sentence suggestion is the most common way to ask someone out for a date. If you want to be more formal, you can also say it this way: "May I take you out?" In the second suggestion, I wrote "Are you available?". I wrote this because it is very polite and courteous because you are inquiring about their relationship status prior to asking them out.
はじめのフレーズは、誰かをデートに誘う一般的な表現です。もし、もっとフォーマルにしたいなら、以下のように伝えることができます。 "May I take you out?" あなたを誘ってもいいですか? "Are you available?" 空いてますか? これは、誘うのに交際ステータスを聞いているという意味になるので、とても親切で丁寧な表現です。  
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to go out with me?

  • May I, take you on a date?

We ask people on dates, because we like them and want to spend time with them, to get to know them better. "Would you like to have coffee with me, sometime?" "I have concert tickets, would you like to go with me?" "Would you like to go on a date with me?"
もっとその人のことを知りたいから、もっと一緒に過ごしたいから人はデートに誘うわけですね。 例 "Would you like to have coffee with me, sometime?" 今度コーヒー一緒にいかがですか? "I have concert tickets, would you like to go with me?" コンサートのチケットがあるんだけど、一緒にいきませんか? "Would you like to go on a date with me?" デートに一緒に行きませんか?
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • do you want to go out on a date

  • i would like to ask you out for a date

  • fancy a date

example "Do you want to go out with me?" or "Fancy a date" "Do you fancy going on a date?"
"Do you want to go out with me?" 一緒に出掛けない?  "Fancy a date" デートしたい。 "Do you fancy going on a date?" デートに行きたいですか?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • May I ask you out in a date?

  • Would you be so kind as to escort me to a restaurant as my date?

  • Will it be forward of me to ask you out on a date?

These are all extremely cordial examples of asking someone out on a date. -The first question is very straight forward and you cannot be more direct than that. -The second one is almost old fashioned in a sense. You use the word "escort", which just means to accompany you somewhere. You make the second sentence clear by using the words "as my date." -The last example makes you sound very chivalrous as well. You ask them whether they would be okay with you asking them out by using the words "will it be forward if me". This will give your crush the opportunity to think it over and answer you whether or not you should proceed.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to go out on a date with me?

  • Is it okay if I ask you out on a date?

People don't usually ask the other person for permission to go out on a date but it is possible to ask in the ways I have mentioned above. Examples; A; Is it okay if I ask you out on a date? B; Yes of course. A; Alright, would you go out to the movies with me? B; Yes sure, I look forward to it.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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