世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/02 14:49
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  • Your lesson is hard to reserve because you're very popular.

  • Your lesson is difficult to reserve because you're very popular.

  • Your lesson gets full quickly because you’re very popular.

hard to reserve difficult to reserve 予約をとるのが難しい Your lesson is hard to reserve Your lesson difficult to reserve your lesson あなたのレッスンは予約をとるのが難しい you're very popular:あなたはとても人気がある これらを組み合わせると以下の文章が出来上がります。 Your lesson is hard to reserve because you're very popular. Your lesson is difficult to reserve because you're very popular. あなたは人気が_あるのでレッスンの予約を取るのが難しい。 少し違う言い方として Your lesson gets reserved quickly because you’re very popular. あなたは人気が_あるのでレッスンの予約がすぐに埋まる。 というのもあります。 きっと素敵な先生なのでしょうね。
  • Because your're very popular, your lesson is always fully booked right away.

  • Because your're so popular, it's very difficult to reserve your lesson!

英語は度々強調したい事を先に言う習慣があるので質問から解釈してAだからBの形で書いてみました。 Because you're very popular, your lesson is always fully booked right away. 貴方はとても人気なので貴方のレッスンは毎回直ぐに予約が満タンになりますね。 fully booked=予約が満タン right away=直ぐに Because you're so popular, it's very difficult to reserve your lesson! 貴方はとても人気なので貴方のレッスンを予約するのは難しいです!
  • I had to make sure I reserved you, as you're very popular!

  • Your slots always fill up very fast, so I have to reserve you in advance.

  • Your schedule always gets full very quickly! I have to book slots fast!

*I had to make sure I reserved you, as you're very popular! * MEANING= I have to book you in advance as if I don't, all the lessons are taken! *Your slots always fill up very fast, so I have to reserve you in advance.* MEANING= your lesson slots fill up fast so I have to book my lessons a few days ahead of the lesson. *Your schedule always gets full very quickly! I have to book slots fast!* MEANING= All your lessons get booked very fast so I have to book immediately! Hope this helps! ^ ^
*I had to make sure I reserved you, as you're very popular! * MEANING= 先に予約をしておく必要がある、さもないと全部のレッスンが埋まっちゃう。 *Your slots always fill up very fast, so I have to reserve you in advance.* MEANING= レッスン枠がすぐ予約でいっぱいになっちゃうので、数日前から予約している必要がある。 *Your schedule always gets full very quickly! I have to book slots fast!* MEANING= あなたのレッスンはどれもすぐに予約でいっぱいになるので、すぐに予約する必要がある。 参考になれば^^
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • Your lessons get booked full so quickly because you are so popular.

  • It is very difficult to book a lesson by you because you are so popular the slots get booked very quickly.

▪Your lessons get booked full so quickly because you are so popular. ▪It is very difficult to book a lesson by you because you are so popular the slots get booked very quickly. ● Both of the above are adequate to be used in the situation. Other examples: a. You are such a good teacher, your lessons are always fully booked. b. It is very hard to book your lessons because you are so popular.
▪Your lessons get booked full so quickly because you are so popular. ▪It is very difficult to book a lesson by you because you are so popular the slots get booked very quickly. ● 両方ともこういった状況で使える文章です。 その他の例 a. You are such a good teacher, your lessons are always fully booked. a.君は本当に良い先生だね。レッスンが満タンだもの。 b. It is very hard to book your lessons because you are so popular. b. 君は人気者だからレッスンを予約するのがすごく難しいよ。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • You're a hard teacher to get hold of, because you're so popular!

"Hard to get hold of" is a phrase that we use in English when we have difficulty contacting someone. If you were trying to call someone that doesn't answer their phone or reply to your texts, when they finally do answer, you could say "You're hard to get hold of!". You can use it in this instance too, as you are trying to make contact with the teacher, albeit for a lesson. It's good to mention at the end of the sentence, that is is because they are so popular, because this explains that it is not their fault that you couldn't contact them.
"Hard to get hold of" とは英語で『何かを手に入れるのがとても難しい』という時に使います。 電話をしても答えず、メールしても返答がない人に、やっとの思いでつながった時に "You're hard to get hold of!" (あなたに連絡とるのがホントに難しい!) この例文はレッスンの事ですが、先生に使う事も出来ます。 先生のせいじゃなくて、先生がとても人気があるから予約がとりにくい、と言う事を文の最後に言うといいかもしれませんね。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Reservation

  • Reservation or Booking

You can say "it is hard to book your lesson because you are so popular" or " i'm having difficulty booking your lesson because you are so popular"
次のように伝えることが出来ます。 "It is hard to book your lesson because you are so popular" (先生はとても人気があるので、先生のレッスンは予約がとりにくいです) "I'm having difficulty booking your lesson because you are so popular" (先生はとても人気があるので、先生のレッスンは予約するのが難しいです)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Because lots of people liked the lecturer’s lessons, it was hard for new students to book them in advance.

  • As many people enjoyed the lecturer's lessons, it became challenging for her to find space for more students.

  • You are very good at your job teacher but because of that your lessons fill up before I get a chance to book one.

Popular-being in demand or liked for various reasons. Example 1/: “The Killers are a very popular indie rock band, so their concert tickets sell out fast.” Example 2/: “The lecturer was popular with his peers because he was patient.” *Lecturer-In Great Britain this usually refers to a teacher who works at a university or college of further education. *difficult-an action that is hard to perform. *Reserve-The student had to book the lecturer in advance because she was a good teacher that knew how to encourage her students, so her lessons filled up quickly!
Popular(人気がある) -いろいろな理由で求められたり好まれる事。 【例文1】 “The Killers are a very popular indie rock band, so their concert tickets sell out fast.” (キラーズはとても人気があるインディーバンドです、ですので彼らのコンサートチケットはすぐに完売します) 【例文2】 “The lecturer was popular with his peers because he was patient.” (この講師は我慢強かったので彼の仲間にとても人気がありました) *Lecturer(講師) -イギリスでは、大学などの講師の事を言います。 *difficult(難しい) -行動するのが大変/難しい。 *Reserve(予約) -その講師はとってもいい先生なので、生徒をやるやる気づける方法を知っています。 彼女のクラスはすぐ予約でいっぱいになるので、生徒はすぐにレッスンの予約を前もってしなくてはいけません。
Kimberlina DMM英会話講師
  • You are a very popular teacher, it is hard to reserve a lesson.

  • It is hard to reserve a lesson with you because you are so popular.

If you want to let a teacher know that it is difficult to reserve a lesson with him/ her, then you can use one of these two sentences. For example. I would love to have another lesson with you. Then, just go and reserve one. It is hard to reserve a lesson with you because you are so popular. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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