世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/09/04 10:00
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  • I haven't decided which lesson to take.

  • I haven't decided which lesson I should take.

  • I don't know which lesson is worth taking.

I haven't decided which lesson to take. どのレッスンを受けるか決めてない。 I haven't decided which lesson I should take. どのレッスンを受けるべきか決めてない。 I don't know which lesson is worth taking. どのレッスンが受ける価値があるかわからない。 一つめがスリムでよいと思います。三つめは[レッスン](を品定めしてる感じです。 他には「まだ」という意味の still を使うこともできます。 still haven't decided = まだ決めてない still don't know = まだわからない
Keisuke Tamori 米国公認会計士
  • I haven't decided which lesson/one to take.

I haven't decided which lesson/one to take (yet). まだどの[レッスン](をとるか決めていません。 have+過去分詞+(yet):[まだ〜していない]( Have you decided the lessons you are taking? 「どのレッスンをとるか決めた?」 のように相手に質問されたシチュエーションであれば繰り返す必要はないため "Not yet."だけでシンプルに答えることもできますね!
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • 1. I'm still deciding which lesson I should take

  • 2. I can't decide which lesson to choose

1. "I'm still deciding which lesson I should take" - by saying 'still' it shows that you have not decided yet and are still trying to make a decision. 2. "I can't decide which lesson to choose" - This means that you are having difficulty in deciding which lesson to choose. I hope this helps :)
"1. ""I'm still deciding which lesson I should take”(私はまだどのレッスンを受けるか考え中です) “Still”ということで決断がまだであり決めようとしている最中であるということになります。 2. ""I can't decide which lesson to choose”(どのレッスンを選ぶべきか決断できない) これは受けるレッスンを決断することを難しく感じているという意味です。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。"
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • I'm still undecided about which lesson to take.

If you are undecided you have yet 'to make up your mind.' "I don't know whether to eat cake or biscuits - I'm undecided at this point." "Well make you mind up quickly - they'll be all gone in a minute!" Undecided = (of a person) not having made a decision. "The jury remained undecided." unsure, uncertain, doubtful, dubious, unresolved, indecisive, irresolute, hesitant,
まだ決断をしていないのならば、 "I don't know whether to eat cake or biscuits - I'm undecided at this point." ケーキかビスケット、どちらを食べるか決めてない。まだ決められてないんだ。 "Well make you mind up quickly - they'll be all gone in a minute!" 早く決めてくれ、すぐに売り切れちゃうぞ Undecided = まだ決断ができていない状態 "The jury remained undecided."陪審員はまだ決めかねていた。 類義語:unsure, uncertain, doubtful, dubious, unresolved, indecisive, irresolute, hesitant,
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm still indecisive about which lesson to book.

  • I'm unsure about which lesson to take.

"I'm still indecisive about which lesson to book." - You're still haven't decided which lesson to book. "I'm unsure about which lesson to take. " - You're not sure which lesson to take
"I'm still indecisive about which lesson to book." -「どのレッスンを予約するかまだ決めていない」という意味です。 "I'm unsure about which lesson to take." -「どのレッスンを受けるかまだわからない」という意味です。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • I am undecided / unsure about my lesson for today.

  • I have not made up my mind about my lesson yet.

  • I have not selected a lesson for today yet.

"I have not made up my mind yet" means that you are still unsure about which lesson to take. "Not selected" means you have not chosen something. "Yet" means that up till now you are still thinking about it.
I have not made up my mind yetは、まだどのレッスンを受けるか決めてないときに使います。Not selectedは、何も選んでいないときに使います。 Yetは、まだ決め切れていないという場合に使えますね。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I am still deciding which lesson I want to take.

  • I haven't decided which lesson I want to take.

The sentences above can be used to explain this. This means that you are still deciding which lesson you want.
上記の文章を使ってください。 まだどの授業を受けるか決めていないときに使います。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A) I am still deciding which lesson to take

  • B) I haven't made up my mind as to which lesson i am taking.

A) I am still deciding which lesson to take. *Still -up to and including the present or the time mentioned; even now (or then) as formerly. Example -"he still lives with his mother" *Deciding -serving to resolve or settle something. Example -"taxes could be the deciding factor for millions of floating voters" *Which -asking for information specifying one or more people or things from a definite set. Example -"which are the best varieties of grapes for long keeping?" *Lesson-.a period of learning or teaching. Example -"an advanced lesson in maths" B) I haven't made up my mind as to which lesson i am taking. *Haven't - have not *Made up my mind - Decided Example - i have already made up my mind you're staying at home! I hope this helps :-)
"A)私はまだどのレッスンを受けるかを決めていません。 *Still-以前と同じように(またはそれ以降の時間を含む)現時点までの時間。 例 - 「彼はまだ母親と一緒に住んでいる」 *Deciding-何かを解決しようと決断する。 例 - 「何百万人もの浮動有権者にとって税金が決定要因になる可能性がある」 *Which-ある情報の中からひとつまたは複数を特定する。 例 - 「長い間保存するには最高のブドウ品種はどれですか?」 *Lesson - 学習や教授の期間。 例 - 「数学の上級レッスン」 B)私は何のレッスンを取っているかについて、まだ決めていません。 *Haven'tーまだ~していない *Made up my mind -決断します 例 - 家に泊まって行ってくださいね。もう決めてあるんです。 お役に立てれば幸いです :-)"
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not sure which lesson I should take yet.

  • I'm not set yet on which lesson I should do.

When you want to express uncertainty, we have a handful of useful expressions in English to use. Below are some examples: "I'm not sure/ I'm not certain" "I'm not set on..." To be "set on" something means to make a decision. If you are 'not set on' something it means you are still deciding. "I haven't decided which lesson to take yet"
例:I'm not sure which lesson I should take yet. 「どのレッスンを選べばいいのかよくわからない。」 例:I'm not set yet on which lesson I should do. 「どのレッスンを選ばなくてはならないかよくわからない。」 不確実なことを表現するとき、便利な表現が英語にあります。 "I'm not sure/ I'm not certain"(よくわからない) "I'm not set on..."(確かではない) "to be set on"は決断するという意味で、例では「まだはっきりしていない」ことを表現しています。
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • I am not sure which lesson I would like to do yet.

"I am not sure which lesson I would like to do yet.'' expresses that said person does not know what lesson they would like to do yet.
"I am not sure which lesson I would like to do yet.'' どのレッスンを受けたいかまだわかりません。 これは、どのレッスンをしたいかまだわからないことを伝える表現です。
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't decided which lesson to take yet.

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、下記のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: I haven't decided which lesson to take yet. まだどのレッスンを受けるか決めていません。 haven't decided yet で「まだ決めていない」と言えます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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