温泉に入った後にも関わらずと彼らはまた汗をかくことを行います.と言いたかったので,They do something that makes them sweat again in spite of after taking a hot spring bath.という文を作りました.この場合だと後半部分が「前置詞+前置詞+名詞」になってしまい違和感があります.この文章は正しいのでしょうか?
They do something that makes them sweat again even though they just took a bath in the hot spring
直訳的なregardlessやin spite ofを使うとしたらこういう風に使います:
-Regardless of the fact that they just took a bath in the hot spring
-In spite of the fact that they just took a bath in the hot spring
they took a bath in the hot springだけでちょっと違和感があり、
they just took a bath in the hot springやthey took a bath in the hot spring earlierのどちらかにしたら自然に感じます。
こういう話で、個人的にeven though (なのに)のような表現は一番自然に感じると思います。
They do something that makes them sweat again even though they just took a bath in the hot spring
ーThey're doing something that's making them sweat again in spite of the fact that they just had a bath in the hot springs.
ーThey're going for a run and sweating again even though they just soaked in the hot springs.