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2016/09/04 13:39
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  • Back to real life tomorrow.

  • Things are back to normal tomorrow.

Back to real life tomorrow.
Things are back to normal from tomorrow.

どちらもback toという表現を使いましたが、「~に戻る」の意味となります。
real lifeは「日常の生活、実生活」という意味です。
things are back to normalのthingsは「生活」ということを表します。

My long vacation is over. [Back to real life tomorrow. / Things are back to normal tomorrow.]

例文: "I've had such a great time traveling, but it's back to real life tomorrow."

Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • Back to reality again tomorrow.

  • Reality starts again from tomorrow.


「Back to reality again tomorrow.」というのは、「明日からまた現実に戻るんだ」という表現です。

「Reality starts again from tomorrow.」というのは、「また明日から現実が始まるかぁ」という表現です。

Yuujin 英語講師、英会話講師、トライリンガル翻訳者
  • Going back to reality from tomorrow...

  • I have to get back to my routine tomorrow.

Going back to reality from tomorrow... 「明日から現実に戻るんだ。。。」夏の休暇が終わる9月上旬は、このフレーズが飛び交います。

Vacation is over. I have to get back to my routine tomorrow.

→routineは「決まりきった仕事、日常業務」という意味です。「現実に戻る」ということでget back to my routineも使えると思います。

Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • Back to reality tomorrow

  • Back to the grindstone tomorrow

  • Back to my humdrum life tomorrow

Back to reality - means the real world - your normal routine
Back to the grindstone - means work and your normal working routine (this is an English idiom)
Your humdrum life - is a boring and monotonous life where you do the same thing every day - the opposite of a holiday.

Hope this helps
Jane ;)

back to reality -これは現実(あなたの日常)を意味します。

back to the grindstone
- これは仕事や働く週間を意味します。(イギリスのイディオムです。)

your humdrum life
- これは毎日同じことをくりかえす、つまらない単調な生活です。holiday(休暇)の反対です。


Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • Reality

  • The state of things as they actually exist

You could say something like
"back to reality" or similarly
"oh well, back to reality".
"reality check!"
"back to the grindstone". A phrase meaning to go back to
ones labours.


"back to reality" or similarly

"oh well, back to reality".

"reality check!"

"back to the grindstone".


Homa DMM英会話講師
  • My holiday is over, back to reality tomorrow!


I wish my vacation could last forever, back to reality tomorrow!

I'm going back to work tomorrow, back to reality.

The holiday is over, I'm going back to real life tomorrow.

Back to the grind tomorrow, my holiday is over unfortunately.

Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Going back to work tomorrow will bring me down to earth with a crash!

To be brought back to earth (with a crash) =To cause one who is fantasizing or being overly optimistic to remember or consider reality.
"I was excited to book a vacation until my nearly-depleted bank account brought me down to earth."
"Dean was thrilled to get into his dream school, but the realization that he would have to pay for it entirely on his own brought him down to earth with a crash."

To be brought back to earth (with a crash) =現実をすっかり忘れて夢の中に居る、または楽観的な人が現実に引き戻される時の表現です。

"I was excited to book a vacation until my nearly-depleted bank account brought me down to earth."

"Dean was thrilled to get into his dream school, but the realization that he would have to pay for it entirely
on his own brought him down to earth with a crash."

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have to go back to the grind tomorrow.

  • It's time to go back to reality tomorrow.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that you have to go back to work after your vacation. In the first sentence you will see the term back to the grind. This means to return to work or school after a long weekend or a vacation. This term is appropriate for informal conversations.

Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Well it's back to reality for me tomorrow!

  • Tomorrow I am back to the real world

Sometimes we find it very hard to return to work. This is especially true if we just had a long holiday and we did something really exciting like for example we may have gone abroad to an exotic island. These kinds of holidays we never want to end.

"Back to reality" is a common phrase that you will hear among native speakers. The reality is that you are going back to your job or your normal life after having a great holiday experience.
The same goes for the meaning of "real world". This refers also to your normal life apart from your holidays.

Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Back to real life tomorrow.

  • Back to reality tomorrow.

  • Reality starts again tomorrow.

Here are three examples of things we can say when our vacation time is over and we have to go back to work. Notice in the first two examples we can use the words, "real life," and, "reality," interchangeably to have the same meaning. The third example uses the word, "reality," as the subject head of the sentence.

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • It's back to reality tomorrow. My long vacation ends tonight.

  • I have had a great vacation but I have to go back to work tomorrow. Back to reality, I guess.

When you want to explain that you have had a long and great vacation which ends starting tomorrow; then you may explain this in the following ways:
-It's back to reality tomorrow. My long vacation ends tonight.
-I have had a great vacation but I have to go back to work tomorrow. Back to reality, I guess.

Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Unfortunately can't stay on vacation forever, tomorrow I'm going back to work.

*Unfortunately can't stay on vacation forever, tomorrow I'm going back to work. - The word unfortunately in this phrase shows that you are unhappy or sad that the vaation is over and you are dreading to go back to work.

*Unfortunately can't stay on vacation forever, tomorrow I'm going back to work.


Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • "Unfortunately I have to go back to work tomorrow, back to reality"

  • "I really enjoyed my long vacation, but it is back to work tomorrow"

If you have enjoyed a trip or long vacation, and you have to go back to work/reality tomorrow, you could say either of the following to express this: "Unfortunately I have to go back to work tomorrow, back to reality" or "I really enjoyed my long vacation, but it is back to work tomorrow".

Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Back to the real world tomorrow.

  • Back to reality.

  • Everything is going back to its usual state tomorrow.

It is always a horrible feeling when we have to go back to work or school after a great vacation.
We may feel sad or even annoyed that you have to go back to the 'real world' full of responsibility and workload.

"Tomorrow it is back to the real world, I have meetings to attend and deadlines to meet."
"I am not happy about having to go back to the real world tomorrow, this holiday was just what I needed."
"Back to school, back to reality."

Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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