Could you please encourage him/her to answer in sentences instead of just vocabularies?
Please encourage him to answer in full sentence.
「please make him」という表現も出来なくはないですが「させる」というようなニュアンスになります。もう少し優しい言い方として「encourage」(励ますというような意味合い)をチョイスしました。
Could you ask my son to try to answer in full sentences, not just one or two words?
Could you encourage my son to make a complete sentece when he answers your questions?
ーCould you ask my son to try to answer in full sentences, not just one or two words?
to answer in full sentences で「完全な文で答える」
ーCould you encourage my son to make a complete sentence when he answers your questions?
to make a complete sentence で「完全な文を作る」