現地集合に一番近い英語の表現は、to meet there「そこで会う」というのが元々の意味です。
1)Would it be ok for us to meet there?
Would it be ok ~? : 「〜でもいい?」
meet there:「そこで会う」
2)Why don’t we meet there?
Why don’t we ~? : 「〜(に)しようよ。」
3)Let’s meet up there.
to meet up: おちあう
meet upをよく使うのが、買い物などで別行動をする時にお互いの買い物の後おちあう時に
Let’s meet up at the entrance.
「① I'll see you there, then.」の意味は:「じゃあ、現地で会いましょう」。
他にも「Let's meet there」などありますが、日常会話でしたら特に区別することなくどちらも使えると思います。
私自身は好みで「① I'll see you there, then.」使っています。会う約束して、場所が決定されて、別れ言葉として「じゃあ現地でね」のニュアンスで使います。
3. We can both travel independently and meet there.
1. You arrange to meet 'there'.
2. You arrange to meet 'there'.
3. You suggest you both travel separately and meet at the agreed destination.
A "It's complicated meeting first."
B "Yes, you're right. We can both travel independently and meet there."
3. 別々に旅行し、合意した目的地で会うことを提案する形です。
A "It's complicated meeting first."
B Yes, you're right. We can both travel independently and meet there.
*I will meet you there.
This is a way of telling them that you want to meet them at the destination.
For example:
A: I will still on for the movie tomorrow.
B:Yes. I will meet you there.
*See you at X.
X is the name of the destination.
For example: "See you at Creamy Inn tomorrow."
I will meet you there.
A: I will still on for the movie tomorrow.
B:Yes. I will meet you there.
*See you at X.
例: "See you at Creamy Inn tomorrow."
there' - in this case, it means over there, or in that place
A. Hey, you going to the movies this Saturday for the Avenger's premiere?
B. Yeah, I'm seated in the back row.
A. Oh, me too. Let's go together!
B. Actually, I might be a little late, and I don't want to hold you, so I'll see you there, ok.
A. Ok, holla at me when you're in the building. Ok?
B. Ok, I'll text you. Peace out.
there' - この場合だと”現地”の事を差します
A. Hey, you going to the movies this Saturday for the Avenger's premiere?
B. Yeah, I'm seated in the back row.
A. Oh, me too. Let's go together!
B. Actually, I might be a little late, and I don't want to hold you, so I'll see you there, ok.
A. Ok, holla at me when you're in the building. Ok?
B. Ok, I'll text you. Peace out.
When you want to tell someone that you will meet them at the place where you had decided you'd meet; then you would say it in the following ways:
-I will meet you where we had decided to meet.
-I will meet you at the place that we agreed on.
-I will meet you where we had decided to meet.
-I will meet you at the place that we agreed on.
These are all ways of telling them you will meet them at the destination, rather than meeting somewhere else and travelling together.
You can say 'there' to mean the destination, or you could be more direct and use the destination name.
You can also highlight the time you will meet as well.
Let's meet there. のように英語で表現することができます。
meet there は「現地集合」というニュアンスの英語表現です。
Do you want to meet there or at the station?