(ファッシオンシーズン(例:SS2018 など)の場合)
- What season is this product from?
- What season is this from?
- What season was this made?
- What season is this product for?
- What season is this suitable for?
- When should this be worn?
Could you tell me which season this clothing is for?
Which season is this attire suitable for?
Are these clothes for the ○○ season?
① "Could you tell me which season this clothing is for?"=「この服はどのシーズン用か教えてくれますか。」
② "Which season is this attire suitable for?"=「この服装はどのシーズンに適しているのでしょうか。」
③ "Are these clothes for the ○○ season?"=「この服は(例:春)用ですか?」