"Not breaking a sweat when walking to the station is the best!"
"not breaking a sweat" 「汗かかない」
"when walking to the station" 「駅まで歩いているとき」
"is the best" 「最高」
"I love that I can walk to the station without getting sweaty."
"I love that ~" 「~のが大好き」・「って最高」
"I can walk to the station" 「駅まで歩ける」
"without getting sweaty" 「汗かけずに」・「汗かかない」
ーI can walk to the train station these days without sweating which is great!
to walk to ... without sweating 「汗をかかずに…まで歩く」
ーI can walk to the train station without breaking a sweat and I love it!
to break a sweat「汗をかく」という表現も一緒に覚えておくと良いですよ。