As a fellow athlete, I think it’s unacceptable what you did
この場合、「同じスポーツマンとして」は英訳したいなら「As the same athletes」より「As a fellow athlete」の方が適切だと思います。
また、最終的に「As a fellow athlete, I’m ashamed of what you did. 」になります。
また、別の言い方で「As a fellow athlete, I think it’s unacceptable what you did」でも言えます。
As fellow athletes, I find it difficult to tolerate your behaviour on the soccer field.
Given the fact that we are fellow athletes, I'm a bit discouraged by your actions on the soccer field.
この場合は、as fellow athletes のように言うと自然な言い方になります。
ーAs fellow athletes, I find it difficult to tolerate your behaviour on the soccer field.
または Given the fact that we are fellow athletes, ...という言い方もできます。
ーGiven the fact that we are fellow athletes, I'm a bit discouraged by your actions on the soccer field.