"If I don't listen to him, ~"
"If I don't ~" 「〜ないと」
"listen to him" 「彼は言うことを聞く」
"If I don't do as he says ~" 上と同じ様に使えます。
"do as he says" 「良い通りをする」"do what he says" も言えます。
"If I don't listen to him, he will get violent" 「私が言うことを聞かないと彼は私に暴力を振るった。」
”I`m tired of hearing this." 「この話は聞き飽きたよ」
"tired" の代わりに "sick" も使えます。
”I'm sick of ~" 「〜飽きた」
ーIf I didn't listen to what he said, he would become violent towards me.
If I didn't listen to what he said, ... で「彼の言うことを聞かないと」と言えます。
ーIf I didn't respond to him the way he liked, he would get physical with me.
If I didn't respond to him the way he liked, ...「彼の気に入るように応じないと」ということは、彼の言うことを聞いたり、言いなりになったりするというふうにも取れると思います。
A: If I didn't listen to what he said, he would become violent towards me.
B: I'm tired of hearing this same old story.