Just when I think it's time to sleep, for some reason I'm unable to do so.
When I try my best to go to sleep, I find myself wide-awake instead.
「寝ようとすると逆に寝れない」は自然な英語で「Just when I think it's time to sleep, for some reason I'm unable to do so.」と言います。
基本的に一緒ですが、「頑張って寝ようとするとかえって目が冴えることがあります」と英訳すると「When I try my best to go to sleep, I find myself wide-awake instead.」という風に言えます。
- When I try to go to sleep, I can't sleep.
- Whenever I try to go to sleep, I can't sleep.
- When I can't sleep, I try really hard to sleep but instead I'll be wide awake.
- I try really hard to sleep when I am unable to fall asleep easily but instead my body will be wide awake.