Would you be concerned about going out with someone from another ethnic race?
Would you date someone of another ethinicity?
ーWould you be concerned about going out with someone from another ethnic race?
to be concerned about ... で「…について気にする」
to go out with ... で「…と付き合う」
ethnic race で「人種」
ーWould you date someone of another ethnicity?
to date で「デートする」
ethnicity で「民族・民族性」
Would you have a problem dating someone of a different ethnicity?
「人種の違う人と付き合うことを気にしますか」は英語で「Would you date someone of a different ethnicity?」と言います。現在、海外では人種が話題になっていて、こういう話を一部の人に話すと怒られる可能性は高いので、デリカシーが必要です。また、人種差別も話題になっているのであまり軽く話せないことだと思います。
Would you have a problem dating someone of a different ethnicity?