世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/09/18 01:22
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  • I'm taking a year off from university to study overseas.

  • I'm going to take my 3rd year off from university to study overseas.

take a year off で1年休学するという意味になります。 a year を変えれば色々なバージョンが作れます。 take a day off from school 1日[学校を休む]( take tomorrow off from work 明日仕事を[休む]( take my 3rd year off from university  3年生の1年を休学するという意味です。 例: I decided to take my 3rd year off from university to do some things I've always wanted to do. ずっとやりたかったことをやるために、大学の3年目を休学することにしました。
Satoshi Oguri アイアクセス・バンクーバー主宰 英文法コーチ/通訳・翻訳
  • I will take a leave of absence.

休学は leave of absenceと言います。 私は休学中です。 I'm on a leave of absence. [留学](をするために休学をします。 I'm going to take a leave of absence from college to study abroad. Leave of absence は休学だけでなく、[休職](という意味もありますので from collegeと付けると休職と区別できます。
  • I'm going to take a break from school and study abroad.

  • I'm taking a year off from school to study abroad.

You can use the phrase "going to take a break from (~)" when you talk about pausing an activity. For example: - I'm going to take a break from school and study abroad. - I'm going to take a break from work to go back to school. - I'm going to take a break from school and do a work holiday in Canada. If you want to say a specific amount of time, then you can use: - I'm taking a year off from school to study abroad. - I'm taking a month off from work to travel.
何かを一時的にお休みする時はgoing to take a break from (~)"を使えます。 例えば - I'm going to take a break from school and study abroad. - I'm going to take a break from work to go back to school. - I'm going to take a break from school and do a work holiday in Canada. 具体できに時間を言いたい時は - I'm taking a year off from school to study abroad. - I'm taking a month off from work to travel.
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • I'm taking a leave of absence.

  • I'm taking some time off.

The literal translation is "I'm taking a leave of absence," which is fine for what you want to tell your friends. You could say phrases/sentences such as: 1. I am taking a leave of absence from school for a year. 2. I am taking some time off from school for a year. If you want to sound more like a natural native speaker, the second sentence is more common than the first. You could say, "I am taking a year off from school to study abroad." That would sound perfectly natural!
直訳すると "I'm taking a leave of absence" になります。これでも問題なく伝わります。 他、以下のように言うこともできます: 1. I am taking a leave of absence from school for a year.(一年間休学します) 2. I am taking some time off from school for a year.(一年間休学します) ネイティブのように自然に言いたいなら、2つ目のほうがより一般的です。 その他に: I am taking a year off from school to study abroad.(留学するため一年間休学します) ↑とっても自然な言い方です!
Ashley P DMM英会話講師
  • Gap year

  • taking a year out

  • Study break

A break between your studies is usually referred to as a Gap year here in the UK. Many people who choose to take a gap year take one because they plan on travelling the world or taking a job opportunity for a year. Some decide to take one just because they are tired of studying or because they want to change their course and need to figure out the right career path. There are many different reasons to take a Gap year. Hope this helps Teacher Jemxi
イギリスでは、学業を休むことは普通「gap year(ギャップイヤー)」と呼ばれます。 世界を旅したり、働く目的で "gap year" を取る人が多いです。 勉強に疲れたり、将来について考えるために取る人もいます。 "gap year" を取る理由はいろいろあります。 参考になるといいです。 Teacher Jemxi
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • I'm taking a year off school to study abroad.

  • I'm taking a sabbatical to study abroad.

1. I'm taking a year off school to study abroad. If you are taking a year off school to study abroad, it means that you will not be attending school for a year and during this time you will be studying abroad. 2. I'm taking a sabbatical to study abroad. The word "sabbatical" means a period of paid leave granted to a university teacher or other worker for study or travel, traditionally one year for every seven years worked. "she's away on sabbatical" adjective
1. I'm taking a year off school to study abroad. もしあなたが"taking a year off school to study abroad"するとしたら、それは休学して海外へ留学するという意味です。 2. I'm taking a sabbatical to study abroad. この "sabbatical"とは、大学教授などが一定の期間、研究などの為に取ることが出来る有給休暇の事です、伝統時に7年間置きに1年くらいです。(形容詞になります) "She's away on sabbatical" 彼女は有給休暇中です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • study leave

  • time off

  • a year off

I'm on study leave' -This is a leave of absence where someone or a student would take a period of time off from their studies. 'I'm taking some time off from my studies' -This is a very direct way of explaining when a student would take a period of time off from their studies. 'time off'- this is used to explain a leave of absence. I'm taking a year off' It is very common for students to take a year off from studying, especially after high school. Some students also do this before their masters or doctoral study courses. I hope this helps :)
I'm on study leave' -「休学(学生が学業から一定期間離れること)」を表します 'I'm taking some time off from my studies' -休学することを伝えるストレートな言い方です。 'time off' -「leave of absence(休暇)」を説明する時に使われます 'I'm taking a year off' 学生が、特に高校を卒業した後に一年間学業から離れることはよくあります。 修士課程、博士課程に入学する前に休みを入れる学生もいます。 参考になるといいです。
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • I'm having a gap year where I'm studying abroad!

  • I'm going on an Erasmus year, I'm so excited!

  • Next year I'm studying abroad for a year, so I won't be around for a while.

I'm having a gap year where I'm studying abroad! I'm going on an Erasmus year, I'm so excited! Next year I'm studying abroad for a year, so I won't be around for a while. All of these mean the same thing, that you are having a year off to study in another country. Studying abroad- 'for a year'.. After 'for a' you will put a time frame here so it would be 1 week, 1 day, 1 year etc. You could also say: *I'm taking a year off *I'm going to study in another country for a bit *Next year I'm going to study abroad Hope this helps! ^ ^
I'm having a gap year where I'm studying abroad!(ギャップイヤーを取って留学します) I'm going on an Erasmus year, I'm so excited!(一年間留学します、すごく楽しみ) Next year I'm studying abroad for a year, so I won't be around for a while.(来年一年留学するのでしばらくここを離れます) どれも意味は同じで、留学するため一年間休学することを表します。 "for a" の後には期間を表す言葉が入ります。例えば: 1 week(一週間) 1 day(一日) 1 year(一年) 以下のように言うこともできます: *I'm taking a year off(一年間休学します) *I'm going to study in another country for a bit(少しの間外国で勉強しようと思っています) *Next year I'm going to study abroad(来年留学します) 参考になるといいです! ^ ^
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • leave of absence

  • year off

In the U.S., the expression "gap year" is used to describe the year some students take off between high school and college. But you can also use this expression to explain a year off from college to study abroad but you would need to explain that it is to study abroad. For example: "I am going to take a year off from college to study abroad." or " I am going to take a gap year from college to study abroad."
アメリカでは"gap year"というものがあり、これは高校卒業後大学に行くまでに休みをとることができることです。 海外留学のための1年間の休学をこの表現を使って表すこともできますが、海外で勉強するためと説明する必要があります。 例文: "I am going to take a year off from college to study abroad." 留学するために大学を1年休学します。 " I am going to take a gap year from college to study abroad." 留学するために大学を1年休学します。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
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