I can't believe that there people that sulk when things don't go their way.
「自分の思い通りにいかないと拗ねる人っているよねー」は英語で「I can't believe that there people that sulk when things don't go their way.」と言います。「いるよねー」と少し違うニュアンスですが、全く一緒の表現は英語にありませんが驚いたようなニュアンスは入っています。「I can't believe」というのは書いていますが、「信じられない」というより「これはひどい」というニュアンスの方に近いと思います。
I can't believe that there people that sulk when things don't go their way.
Yeah, they're so childish.
There are people who sulk when they don't get their own way.
Some people pout when things don't go the way they want.
ーThere are people who sulk when they don't get their own way.
to sulk で「拗ねる」
ーSome people pout when things don't go the way they want.
to pout でも「拗ねる」と言えます。
ーYes there are.
ーThere are people like that, aren't there?
ーI've met people like that.