・ I get up early in the morning, but it doesn't mean that I can get to sleep early.
it does not mean that... は「だからと言って〜という訳ではない」という表現で、覚えておくと便利です。
また、go to bed だと「ベッドに入る」という意味ですが get to sleep というと「眠りにつく、就寝する」というニュアンスが出ます。
"Waking up early doesn't mean I will fall asleep early."
This sentence does not specify what day this happened, and can be used to state a fact, something that is always true. "Fall asleep" is one of the accepted expressions used to describe going to sleep.
"Although I woke up early, I won't go to bed early."
In this sentence, "although" shows that, even when the first action happens, the second action is true. It is similar to the word "but" in meaning. "Go to bed" can also be used in place of "go to sleep".
"I won't fall asleep early, despite waking up early."
The first part of the sentence states a fact. The second part of the sentence starts with "despite", which means that the second action is the opposite of what you would normally expect when you think about the first action.
"Waking up early doesn't mean I will fall asleep early."(早起きしてもすぐに眠れるわけではない)
- この文は、それがいつ起きたのか伝えていません。現在の事実、いつもそうであることを表しています。
"Although I woke up early, I won't go to bed early."(早起きしましたが、早くは寝ません)
- この文では、"although" は、一つ目の行動が起きても二つ目の行動が変わらないことを表します。これは "but" の意味に似ています。"go to sleep" の代わりに "go to bed"(寝る)も使えます。
"I won't fall asleep early, despite waking up early."(早起きしたけど、早くは寝付けないでしょう)
- 文の最初の部分は事実を伝えています。後半部分は "despite" で始めています。"despite" は、二つ目の行動が一つ目の行動を踏まえると、普通とは逆のことであることを表します。
"Even though I am awake early it doesn't mean I'd be able to fall asleep easy."
"Even though" is another way of saying 'Just because' ex. "Just because I wake up early doesn't mean I'd be able to fall asleep early".
"I struggle to go to sleep early even tho I wake up early in the morning."
'Struggle' is another term used when you find difficulty in doing something, ex. "I struggle to find time to socialize, work and clean my apartment"
"Even though I am awake early it doesn't mean I'd be able to fall asleep easy."(早く起きたからといって、早く眠れるわけではない)
= "Even though" は 'Just because' の別の言い方です。
"Just because I wake up early doesn't mean I'd be able to fall asleep early".
"I struggle to go to sleep early even though I wake up early in the morning."(朝早起きするけどすぐには眠れない)
= 'Struggle' は「~するのに苦労する」という意味です。
"I struggle to find time to socialize, work and clean my apartment"
Getting up early sure doesn't help me get to sleep early at night.
I get up early but I can't seem to fall asleep early.
I have a hard time going to bed early even though I get up early.
I really wish getting up early would help me get to sleep early.
Getting up early sure doesn't help me get to sleep early at night.
I get up early but I can't seem to fall asleep early.
I have a hard time going to bed early even though I get up early.
I really wish getting up early would help me get to sleep early.
The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that because you wake up early doesn't mean you can go to sleep early. In the first sentence you will see the term hit the hay and in the second sentence you will see the term doze off. Both of these terms mean to sleep. These terms are appropriate for informal settings, like talking with close friends or family.
はじめの文には、hit the hayというフレーズ、2つ目の文には、doze offというフレーズがあります。どちらも寝るという意味の言葉です。これらの言葉は、親しい友達や家族などと話すようなカジュアルな場で使うことができます。
Just because I wake up early doesn't mean I go to sleep early. You can explain this by using one of the above example suggestions.
When you want to explain that just because you wake up early in the morning doesn't mean you can sleep early at night; then you may express this in the following ways:
-Just because I woke up early doesn't mean I can go to bed early.
-Waking up early in the morning doesn't mean I can go to sleep early at night
-Just because I woke up early doesn't mean I can go to bed early.(早く起きたからといって、早く寝られるわけではない)
-Waking up early in the morning doesn't mean I can go to sleep early at night(早く起きたからといって、夜すぐに眠れるわけではない)