I was careless in the masked lifestyle and now I have a double chin.
- I was careless in the masked lifestyle and now I have a double chin.
- The mask life has made me careless and I now have a double chin.
- With the masked lifestyle, I don't have to expose my face very much, plus it is currently winter so I wear big, fluffy clothing. I have developed a double chin underneath the mask. If I don't tone up my body, I won't be able to take off my mask.
I was careless when wearing masks, so now I have a double chin.
「マスク生活で」=「in the mask lifestyle」「油断して」=「(I) was careless」
「二重あご」=「double chin」
「になっている」=「(I) have become ]
「マスク生活で」=「in the mask lifestyle」ですが、このような状況ではちょっと不自然です。だから、「when wearing masks」や「whenever I wore a mask」を使いましょう。どっちでも使っても構いません。
それと同じように、「I have become a double chin」を全然言いません。「I have a double chin」の方が自然です。