世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/09/21 21:53
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  • (1) Don't leave your clothes lying around.

  • (2) Don't leave your clothes lying around. Hang them up.

こんばんは。ご質問ありがとうございます。 一例をご紹介しますね。 《英訳例》 (1) Don't leave your clothes lying around. 服を脱ぎっぱなしにしないの。 (2) Don't leave your clothes lying around. Hang them up. 服を脱ぎっぱなしにしないの、ハンガーに掛けておきなさい。 ↓ Don't do ... …しないで leave your clothes lying around 服を脱いだままほったらかしにする 《語句》 【スーパー・アンカー英和辞典】 leave 【他動】 〈leave A C〉A を C にしておく, C の状態にほうっておく, C にする(→C は形容詞・副詞・分詞など) lie around 【自動】 散らかっている hang up 【他動】 …を掛ける, つるす 《解説》 ★ leave leave は《(元のまま物を残して)離れる》が基本義です(スーパー・アンカー英和辞典)。〈leave A C〉は「A を C にしておく」という意味です。 C(補語)は A(目的語)を説明します。「A=C」という関係です。 ★ leave one's clothes ... leave one's clothes lying around は「服をハンガーに掛けたり、引き出しにしまったりしないで、散らかったままにする」という意味です。 【例】 You always leave your clothes lying around. あなたいつも服脱ぎっぱなし。 (出典:Say It-- Right: How to Talk in Any Social Or Business Situation) Do not leave your clothes lying around like a child. You are a grown up. 子どもみたいに服を脱ぎっぱなしにしないでください。大人なんですから。 (出典:There's Something About Her: A Manhattan Love Story) お役に立てば幸いです。 ありがとうございました。
  • My child is really untidy with his clothes

  • He leaves his clothing all around the house!

  • He just throws his clothes into a pile on the floor!

Parents often complain about untidy children - especially when it comes to tidying up, hanging up, storing away or putting away clothing. There is also the aspect of when children mix up dirty and clean clothing so parents have to wash everything. "What's your daughter like with tidiness?" "Oh. she's a little angel." "Sorry to reveal I cannot say the same for Gordon. He just throws his clothes into a pile on the floor!" "Oh dear!"
特に、ちらかしっぱ内だったり、整頓であったり、干すことだったり、に関しては、清潔でない子供に文句をいう人は多いですよね。時には綺麗なものと汚いものを一緒にしちゃうときなんかもありますよね。それで親は全部洗わなくちゃいけなくなる。 例 "What's your daughter like with tidiness?" "Oh. she's a little angel." "Sorry to reveal I cannot say the same for Gordon. He just throws his clothes into a pile on the floor!" "Oh dear!"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Untidy / Messy

  • "she is chronically untidy... her clothes always lay where she has dropped them"

In this case the chosen phrase " Chronically untidy" depicts a VERY messy child With no regard for keeping their room in any kind of order... ( a discipline that needs to be taught:-) "Chronically"..IE in a long-lasting or habitual and problematic way.
この場合、選ばれるフレーズは " Chronically untidy" (慢性的に散らかっている)となります。 これは"VERY"(とっても)散らかっしている子供と言う意味になります。 キチンと自分の部屋をかたずけることを気にしないという事ですよね。 (きちんと教育する必要がありますt:-) "Chronically"(慢性的に) つまり、長期的に又は常習的で問題がある、という様な意味です。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • My child leaves his/her clothes scattered all over the place after undressing.

  • My child leaves his/her clothes lying all around after undressing.

The adjective 'scattered' is derived from the verb to 'scatter' which means to throw things in various random directions. If he/she leaves his/her clothes 'scattered' all over the place after undressing, it means that he/she leave them lying all around. The verb to 'undress' means 'to take off one's clothes'. So, if your child is in the habit of doing this, you may say: My child leaves his/her clothes scattered all over the place after undressing. or My child leaves his/her clothes lying all around after undressing.
"scattered"(散らかっている)という形容詞は、scatter(散らかる)という動詞が派生したものです。 もし「子供が服を脱いだ後、洋服が"scattered"(散らかしたまま)です」というと、「脱いだ服がそのあたりに置いたままの状態」ということを表します。 "undress"は「服を脱ぐ」という意味です。 My child leaves his/her clothes scattered all over the place after undressing. ーうちの子供は服を脱いだあと、それを脱ぎっぱなしにして散らかします。 My child leaves his/her clothes lying all around after undressing. ーうちの子供は洋服を脱いだあと、あたりに置いたままにします。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • My child is always leaving his clothes lying around the house.

  • I can't even see my childs bedroom floor due to all of the clothes lying around.

  • My child is extremely messy, always leaving clothes everywhere.

All of these sentences can be used to explain how untidy your child is.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • leave your clothes around

My mother often tells me not to leave my clothes around. お母さんに服を脱ぎ散らかすなとよく注意される。 参考にしてみてください☆彡
  • He/she never hangs up his/her clothes.

  • He/she takes off his/her clothes and chucks them on the floor.

He/she never hangs up his/her clothes. – Never hangs up means the clothes are just left in a pile on the floor. We usually hang up clothes in a wardrobe. He/she takes off his/her clothes and chucks them on the floor. – This is another way of saying they do not tidy up after themselves. ‘Chucks them’ would imply a messier child, imagining a very untidy bedroom for example.
"He/she never hangs up his/her clothes. Never hangs up―洋服を決して掛けない。服は床に脱いだまま重ねて置かれます。 私たちの国では通常、洋服をワードローブ(洋服タンス)に掛けます。 He/she takes off his/her clothes and chucks them on the floor. –これは身の回りの整理しないという他の言い方です。 例えば‘Chucks them’から、 整理整頓をしない子供のとても散らかった部屋が想像できます。"
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
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