世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/03 10:54
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  • Which/what was your favorite scene from the movie?

  • Which/what was your favorite scene?

映画の感想を聞く時に「どのシーンが一番好き?」は英語で What/which was your favorite scene? What/which was your favorite scene from the movie? which/what = どの favorite = 一番好き scene = シーン movie=映画 文の頭に、which か what を使っても構いません。 Good luck! :)
  • What was your favorite part of the movie?

  • Which scene did you like the most?

Partとsceneはどちらを使っても伝わります。 映画はどうだった? = How was the movie? 映画は楽しめた? = Did you enjoy the movie? 等と聞いてから細かい感想を聞いてみましょう。
  • 1. Which was the best part for you?

  • 2. What was the scariest bit?

  • 3. What was the stand out scene for you?

1. You ask generally about the best part. You want your friend's opinion. 2.Here you want to know what your friend thought was the scariest part. 3 Stand out = . something or someone, as a person, performance, etc., remarkably superior to others. Stand out as an adjective is similar to 'outstanding' . 'The stand out applicant of all the interviewees was Mike Smith. He really impressed me."
1. 相手に一番良い部分はどこか、と尋ねる表現。友達の意見がききたいときですね。 2.どの部分が一番怖かったかを聞くときの表現になります。 3 Stand out = 人かperformanceなど、人より特出していることを言います。これを形容詞として使うと、 'outstanding' と意味が似てますね。 'The stand out applicant of all the interviewees was Mike Smith. He really impressed me." インタビューを受けた人の中で特出した候補者はマイクスミスだね。彼は印象深い。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Which part of the movie did you enjoy the most?

  • Which scene was your favorite in the movie?

To ask this, you can say it in the following ways: -Which part of the movie did you enjoy the most? -Which scene was your favorite in the movie? You can also start off by telling the person about your favorite scene, and the say "what about you? Which was your favorite part?"
以下のように尋ねることができます。 -Which part of the movie did you enjoy the most? 映画のどのシーンが一番好きですか? -Which scene was your favorite in the movie? 映画のどのシーンがお気に入りですか? 自分の好きなシーンを先に伝えてから "what about you? Which was your favorite part?"(あなたは?どのシーンが一番好きですか?)と聞くこともいいでしょう。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • What did you think was the best bit?

The best bit' is an informal expression which means the best or number 1 part of something. It can be used in many different situations. e.g The leg is the best bit of the chicken.
the best bit' は「(あることの)一番いい部分」を表します。くだけた表現です。いろいろなシチュエーションで使えます。 例: The leg is the best bit of the chicken. チキンは足が一番おいしい。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • What was your favorite scene?

  • What scene was the most impressive?

他にも回答出ていますが、 「一番好きなのはどのシーン?」はWhat was your favorite scene? が無難だと思います。 あるいは、場合によっては、 What scene was the most impressive?「どのシーンが一番印象的だった?」のように聞いても良いでしょう(^_^)
  • Which part did you enjoy the most?

"Which part did you enjoy the most?" This is a good way to ask which part someone like about a movie you watched together.To follow up you could also ask : -I really enjoyed part XX ,how about you?What do you think about that scene? In this way you would be engaging that person about the movie and would be carrying a conversation.
"Which part did you enjoy the most?" This is a good way to ask which part someone like about a movie you watched together.To follow up you could also ask : -I really enjoyed part XX ,how about you?What do you think about that scene? In this way you would be engaging that person about the movie and would be carrying a conversation. 「どの部分が一番良かった?」 一緒に観た映画のどのシーンが良かったかを聞きます。 次のようにフォローすることもできます。 「XXの部分がすごくよかったなぁ。あなたは?あのシーンは、どう思う?」 このように会話を繋げることができます。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Which bit did you like the most?

  • What scene did you like the most?

  • What part of the movie did you enjoy the most?

examples "What part of the movie did you enjoy the most?" or "What scene did you like the most?" or "Which bit did you like the most?"
【例】 "What part of the movie did you enjoy the most?" (映画のどの部分が一番よかったですか?) "What scene did you like the most?" (どの場面がいちばん好きでした?) "Which bit did you like the most?" (どの部分が一番好きでした?)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Which was your favourite bit?

  • What was your favourite bit?

A bit is a small part of something. You can call a scene in a movie, a bit of a movie. You could also use it in other ways, for example: A bit of food, a bit of bad weather, a bit of a bad day.
bitは、何かの小さい部分という意味です。映画のシーンを a bit of a movieと言います。 他の使い方もあります。 例 A bit of food(少量の食べ物) a bit of bad weather(少々悪い天気) a bit of a bad day(少しついてない日)
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • What was your favourite scene from the movie?

  • What was your favourite part of the movie?

  • What do you think was the best bit in the movie?

What was your favourite scene from the movie? What was your favourite part of the movie? What do you think was the best bit in the movie?
【例】 What was your favourite scene from the movie? (その映画のどのシーンが一番気に入りましたか?) What was your favourite part of the movie? (その映画のどの場面が一番気に入りましたか?) What do you think was the best bit in the movie? (その映画のどこの場面が一番いいと思いますか?)
Angela Jane DMM英会話講師
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