I let my emotions get the best out of me and ended up getting angry at my dog.
この場合、「感情的になって犬に[怒って](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/72943/)しまう」と言いたいなら、英語で「I let my emotions get the best out of me and ended up getting angry at my dog.」という風に言えます。
また、この文脈を伝えたいなら、「I didn't want to do it but when my dog started baring his fangs out jealousy, I let my emotions get the best out of me and ended up getting angry at my dog. I was upset I couldn't control both his anger and my own anger.」と言えます。
Sometimes I feel frustrated and get angry at my dog.
・「Sometimes I feel frustrated and get angry at my dog.」
<例文> Sometimes I feel frustrated and get angry at my dog. Especially when he barks at night.
・vocabulary:frustrated イライラする