Summer vacation can be a living hell for children who are experiencing problems in their households.
「夏休みは家庭に居場所がない子供達には地獄」は英語で「Summer vacation can be a living hell for children who are experiencing problems in their households.」と言います。
具体的に「[虐待](」と言いたいなら、そうすると「Summer vacation can be a living hell for children who are experiencing child abuse in their households.」という風に言えます。
"The summer break can be hell for children who don't have a good home life."
"The summer break can be hell for children who don't have a good home life."
"The summer break" 「夏休みは」
"can be hell for ~" 「〜には地獄」
"children who ~" 「〜子供達」
"don't have a good home life" 「家庭に居場所がない」