「[足りない](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/33560/)ぐらい」の直訳は「not nearly enough」ですが、「not enough」で十分です。
①この曲は2分じゃ足りないぐらいかっこいいね → This song is so cool that listening to it for 2 minutes is not enough.
②アメリカでの旅行は1週間じゃ物足りないよ → traveling to the U.S. for one week isn't enough
"I can't get enough."
"I can't ~" 「〜できない」
"get enough" 「飽きる」
"Not enough" 「足りない」
"This song is so good, I can't get enough of it."
"A one week trip in the US is not enough."
ポジティブなことを言う時でも not enough を使って言っても大丈夫ですよ!
I wish this song were longer. Two minutes is not enough.
One week travelling in the United States is not enough.