I mistook the shoes that I wear in private with the shoes that I use for work.
この場合、「私はプライベートで履く靴と仕事用の靴を履き[間違えた](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/127694/)」と言いたいなら、英語で「I mistook the shoes that I wear in private with the shoes that I use for work.」と言えます。
"I put on by mistake my work shoes instead of the ones I normally wear."
"I put on by mistake my work shoes instead of the ones I normally wear."
"I put on by mistake ~”「〜を履き間違えた」
"my work shoes" 「仕事用の靴」
"instead of ~”「〜代わりに」
"the ones I wear normally" 「プライベートで履く靴」