「It's not raining here yet!」このフレーズは、「ここではまだ雨が降っていない!」という意味になります。それぞれの単語について解説します。
"It's"は、"it is"の短縮形で、「それは」という意味になります。「それ」は天気の状態、つまり「雨が降る/降らない」を指しています。
"It's not snowing here yet!" (ここではまだ雪が降っていない!)
"It's not hot here yet!" (ここではまだ暑くなっていない!)
1)I don't see any rain, yet.
ですから、「見えない」の I don't see を使って表現ができます。
その反対に「こっちは雨降ってるよ」だったら、I see the rain と言えます。
2)We don't have any rain yet.
We don't have any rain here 、という事は、相手がいる場所にいる地域、またはそのエリアにいる人達の事を指します。
I hope it helps :)
"We haven't experienced any rain yet over here."
You are explaining that although you expecting it to happen in the future,it has not rained at that moment in which the conversation is taking place.
"It still hasnt started raining in Tokyo"
You could say this if is highly unusual not to have rain at that moment in which the conversation is taking place.
It isn't raining here yet =こっちではまだ雨降ってないよ
It hasn't started raining here =こっちではまだ降ってないよ
It isn't raining here
It depends a little on the weather system and in which direction the rain is travelling. If you are expecting the rain to proceed towards Tokyo, then you may say, "The rain hasn't reached here yet." Or, "It's still sunny here."
If the rain is going in a different direction, you would not use 'yet' or 'still.'
雨がどちらの方向に向かっていっているのか、その時の気候によって若干左右される質問であすが、もし東京に向かって雨が降っているのなら、"The rain hasn't reached here yet." や "It's still sunny here."ということもできます。もし雨が違う方向へ向かっている場合、yetやstillを使うと良いでしょう。
When it doesn't rain, we often say the term 'drop of rain' to describe it being dry. A drop of rain refers to just one drop of rainwater. For example:
"We haven't had a drop of rain here for over two weeks!"
"There hasn't been a drop of rain in the city for ages"
We also use the term drop when we talk about a small amount of liquid. For example:
"Please can I have just a drop of juice?"
"Would you pour me a drop of Sake?"
雨が降っていない時、'drop of rain'という表現をよく使って(一滴も)雨が降っていないことを表します。'drop of rain'とは「一滴の雨」という意味です。
"We haven't had a drop of rain here for over two weeks!"
"There hasn't been a drop of rain in the city for ages"
"Please can I have just a drop of juice?"
"Would you pour me a drop of Sake?"
We can either use the abverb, "still," or, "yet," to describe that the action we are referring to is still not on-going based on our current experience. Notice that when using, "yet," it must go at the end of the sentence whereas, "still," must follow the main auxiliary verb, "is (it's)."