The smell of 〜 makes me hungry.
The smell of 〜 「〜の[匂い](」
makes me hungry 「[お腹をすかせる](」「[食欲](をそそる」
The smell of fresh baked bread makes me hungry.
The smell of garlic makes me hungry.
The smell from that restaurant makes me hungry.
よだれがたれそうなくらいに誘うような、というニュアンスでmouth wateringという表現があります。
The smell from that restaurant is mouth watering.
焼肉屋さんの前を通るときはほんとにmouth wateringです!
mouthwatering (adjective) = whetting the appetite, as from smell, appearance, or description
The air filled suddenly with a mouthwatering aroma of cooked meat.
Our noses are more sensitive to smells when we are hungry.
"Wow, the scent of that food, is making me hungry."
"I can eat a horse, that aroma is driving me crazy."
The idiom/phrase "I can eat a horse" means that you are very hungry.
Wow, the scent of that food, is making me hungry.
I can eat a horse, that aroma is driving me crazy.
"I can eat a horse" は「すごくお腹がすいた」という意味のイディオムです。
The smell from the bakery really gets my taste buds tingling!
That smell is irresistible = this means that you cannot resist the smell. It makes your mouth water - you want to eat what you can smell!
"That smell is irresistible - I think it's a hot pasty and I want one!"
taste buds = any of the clusters of bulbous nerve endings on the tongue and in the lining of the mouth which provide the sense of taste.
"He'll tantalize your taste buds with his imaginative pizzas."
That smell is irresistible = 食欲をそそる匂いがする。口の中が唾液でいっぱいになり、においのするものを食べたいと思うでしょう。
"That smell is irresistible - I think it's a hot pasty and I want one!" この匂いは堪えられない!辛い練り物か何かかな、食べたい!
taste buds = 味蕾
"He'll tantalize your taste buds with his imaginative pizzas."
When describing the delicious scent of food we can use the words above.
Walking past a place that is cooking or baking delicious foods can make you want to eat the whole store!!
"The food here smells aromatic."
"The food you are making has such an appealing scent!"
"What a wholesome scent your baked bread has!"
This smell has me craving for some fried chicken!"
"The food here smells aromatic."(ここの料理は香りがいい)
"The food you are making has such an appealing scent!"(あなたの作っている料理からすごくいい匂いがする)
"What a wholesome scent your baked bread has!"(あなたの焼いたパンがすごくいい香り)
This smell has me craving for some fried chicken!"(この匂いを嗅いでいると、フライドチキンが食べたくなる)