Thank you for contacting me.
Thank you for ~ : ~してくれてありがとう
Contact : (動詞)~と[連絡を取る](
Thank you for contacting me.
Get in touch with~ も ~と連絡を取る という意味になりますが、こちらの方がカジュアルな表現となります。
I appreciate you contacting me.
Depending on what the email is about you say either "Thank you for emailing me." or "Thank you for contacting me." However if it is a response to an application you made you can say "Thank you for the response" or "Thank you for getting back to me."
Eメールの内容にもよりますが、”Thank you for emailing me. "([メール](を頂きありがとうございます。)または " Thank you for contacting me."(ご連絡頂きありがとうございます。)と始められます。
”Thank you for the response" ([ご返信](頂きありがとうございます。)
" Thank you for getting back to me." と言えるでしょう。
Within the business world we often to decide how formal a given situation is.
However, these days, especially with emails, there is a tendency to be less and less formal and the stress is more on the attitude and positivity of the communication.
positivity = the practice of being or tendency to be positive or optimistic in attitude.
"Pupils draw power from the positivity of their teachers."
positivity = ポジティブさ、陽気さ、楽観的な態度
"Pupils draw power from the positivity of their teachers."
These are both commonly used expressions to thank someone for contacting you. While they may not sound logical to a non-native speaker, they will be perfectly understood by all native speakers. "Getting in touch" and "Reaching out" both mean to contact, but sound a bit more cordial then simply saying "Thank you for contacting me." I often start emails with either of these phrases when replying to someone who initiated our communication.
"Getting in touch" と "Reaching out" はどちらも "To contact"(連絡する)という意味ですが、単に "Thank you for contacting me." と言うよりもこの二つの表現を使った方がフレンドリーな響きになります。
Thank you for your inquiry.「お問い合わせありがとうございます。」
Thank you for the quick reply.「素早い返信ありがとうございます。」
Thank you for emailing me.「メールいただきありがとうございます。」
Thank you very much for your inquiry. I appreciate it.
Thank you very much for your inquiry. Please call again.
In a business context, if someone contacts you, it will probably be to inquire about a product or a service that you or your company is offering to your customers. Since it is a business related inquiry, you will need to respond in a business manner. It is usually difficult for most people to respond in a business manner. But, the following responses will suffice:
Thank you very much for your inquiry. I appreciate it.
Thank you very much for your inquiry. Please call again.
Thank you very much for your inquiry. I appreciate it.
Thank you very much for your inquiry. Please call again.
The literal translation is "Thank you for your inquiry." In America, this is more often used with someone asks a question, needs help with customer service, or maybe even technical support.
Other ways to say this phrase ar, "Thank you for the reply," or, "Thank you for asking."
This sounds very polite and formal, but in America, sometimes it is better and more direct if you say something a little less formal, and a little more personal.
直訳すると”"Thank you for your inquiry." となります。米国ではお客様センターや技術サポートセンターなどに来た問い合わせ連絡に対して良く使われる表現です。
"Thank you for the reply," (お返事ありがとうございます。)や” Thank you for asking."(お問合せ頂きありがとうございます。)なども使えます。
Using the phrase: Thank you for contacting me, is a simple/formal way to say this. Using: thanks for touching base or thanks for reaching out are slightly less formal, alternative ways to say this, it is better to use these phrases with a person that you know pretty well.
For a business email the emphasis is on being professional and not personal.
It would therefore be more appropriate to use the term 'Thank you for your email.'
If you would like to thank someone for contacting you about something related to business, you can say something like "hank you very much for contacting/messaging me..." or "Thank you for contacting me about this,..." These are some formal/more professional ways to reply a message.
I appreciate that you have taken the time to get in touch with me
Saying "thank you so much" is extremely polite and it can make you sound very professional and educated. It will be very valued by the person who you are saying it to also.
"I appreciate" is another way of saying that you show respect for somebody. You are happy and showing them respect for taking the time to contact you.
"To get in touch" is a way of saying "to get in contact". You are not physically touching the person, it is a figure of speech
"Thank you so much" はとても丁寧な表現です。プロフェッショナルで知的な響きもあります。相手に良い印象を与えられると思います。
"I appreciate" も、丁寧な言い方です。相手が連絡してくれたことについて感謝を伝えています。
"To get in touch" は "To get in contact" という意味です。実際にその人にタッチ(touch)しているわけではありません、言葉のあやです。
Thank you for your email.
Thank you for getting in touch.
get in touch は「連絡する」という意味の英語表現です。