Of Disneyland around the world, the last one is Frorida one.
If I go to Disney World in Florida, I will have visited them all.
The only Disneyland I haven't been to is the one in Florida.
・「If I go to Disney World in Florida, I will have visited them all.」
(意味) フロリダにあるディズニーへ行けば全制覇になります。
・「The only Disneyland I haven't been to is the one in Florida.」
(意味) まだ行ったことないディズニーはフロリダのだけです。
<例文>The only Disneyland I haven't been to is the one in Florida, so my goal this year is to go there.
<訳> まだ行ったことないディズニーはフロリダのだけです。なので今年の目標はそこへ行くことです。