If you don't have travel insurance, you'll be responsible for any accident expenses.
・「If you don't have travel insurance, you'll be responsible for any accident expenses.」
<例文>If you don't have travel insurance, you'll be responsible for any accident expenses. So it's better to get travel insurance even though it could be a little expensive.
<訳>海外旅行保険に入っていない場合、事故の費用は自己負担です。 なので少し高いかもしれないですが保険に入ったほうがいいです。
If you don't have any overseas travel insurance and you're involved in an accident, there's a chance that you may be held responsible for any costs or damages that arrise.
ーIf you don't have any overseas travel insurance and you're involved in an accident, there's a chance you may be held responsible for any costs or damages that arise.
overseas travel insurance「海外旅行保険」
to be involved in an accident「事故に遭う」
to be held responsible「責任を負う」