I don’t mean that this is not good. I just can’t have it.
This must be really good but I just can’t eat it.
1. "I don't mean that this is not good. I just can’t have it."
2. "This must be really good but I just can't eat it."
I can’t eat starchy foods.「とろみのついた食べ物は無理なんです」
I can’t eat spicy foods. 「辛いものは食べられません」
I can't eat this = これは食べれない
日本語でこう言ったら少し失礼に聞こえますが、英語では日本独特の曖昧な言い回しはあまりしません。でもこれだけだとやはり少し失礼に聴こえるかもしれないので「because I'm allergic」 (アレルギーだから)や「because I don't like the texture」 (食感が嫌だから)などとちゃんと理由も述べましょう。
I'm not a big fan = あまり好きじゃない
直訳すると「ファンじゃないから」です。食べ物のファン?どういう事だ?と思うかもしれませんが、この表現は何にでも使えます。I'm not a big fan of baseball = あまり野球は好きじゃない
I think I'll pass = 遠慮しておくよ
1. This may be appropriate if you are a vegetarian or don't wish to eat the meal for religious reasons.
2. Here you are stating that you don't like the taste of this food.
Not to my taste = not attractive to me, not my style, not suited to my preferences.
3. To pass on something= to avoid doing this activity. To refuse an opportunity involving something or someone; decline :
"Many stars passed on the sequins and glitz for simple satin at this year's awards."
1. 菜食主義か、宗教的問題で肉を食べない場合はこれで良いと思います。
2. その食べ物の味が好きではないといういう言い方です。
Not to my taste = 自分にとってはあまり魅力的ではない、私のスタイルではない、自分の好みに合わない場合の言い方。
3. To pass on something= 行動やモノを避けること そういった機会を避けること
例:"Many stars passed on the sequins and glitz for simple satin at this year's awards."
All of these above phrases mean you are not 100% happy with the food in front of you. That you don't really like it.
If you are keen on something then you like it a lot - not keen - don't like it a lot.
Not my cup of tea is an idiom. It hasn't anything to of with tea. We say this when we are talking about something we don't like.
e.g. Many Japanese people like sushi but it is not my cup of tea.
Remember if someone has taken the time to cook the food for you to apologise when you use any of the above phrases.
e.g. sorry, I don't really like this
I hope this helps
Jane :)
keen on というと、それがとても好きなことです。
なので、not keen というと don't like it a lot (あんまり好きではない)という意味です。
not my cup of tea は慣用句です。実際にはお茶と関係ありません。
例 Many Japanese people like sushi but it is not my cup of tea.
例 Sorry, I don't really like this.
"I don't like....... I can have ....instead."
-This means that you don't like what is in front of you buy you make a suggestion of what you would rather have.
"I am not a fan of....."
-This means that you do not like it. It is not your favorite.
"I don't like....... I can have ....instead."
"I am not a fan of....."
A) I am not such a big fan of .....
*Am-used with the past participle of intransitive verbs to form perfect tenses.
Example -"I am returned"
*Not -used with an auxiliary verb or ‘be’ to form the negative.
Example -"he would not say"
*Such -of the type about to be mentioned.
Example-"there is no such thing as a free lunch"
*a-used when mentioning someone or something for the first time in a text or conversation.
Example -"a man came out of the room"
*Big-of considerable size or extent.
Example -"her big hazel eyes"
*Fan -.a person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular person or thing.
Example-"football fans"
B) I don't like ....
*Don't -do not.
Example-"they really don't know what will happen"
*Like -find agreeable, enjoyable, or satisfactory.
Example-"all his classmates liked him"
I hope this helps :-)
*Am-used with the past participle of intransitive verbs to form perfect tenses. *Be動詞amを過去分詞と一緒に使う完了形という説明は不明。
例 - 「返されました」 完了形といいながら例文は受動態
*Not- 補助動詞やbe動詞と一緒に使用され、否定を形成する。
例 - ""彼は""
*Such -そのような言及があるタイプのもの。
例 - 「フリーランチなどない」
* a - テキストや会話で初めて誰かや何かを言及するときに使用される冠詞。
例 - 「男が部屋から出てきた」
例 - 「彼女の大きなヘーゼル色の目」
*Fan- 特定の人物や物事に強い関心を持ち、賞賛している人。
例 - 「サッカーファン」
*Don’t-~ しない。
例 - 「彼らは実際に何が起こるかを知らない」
例 - 「彼の同級生みんな彼が好きだった」
お役に立てれば幸いです :-)"
It is perfectly okay to say you do not like something. As long as you say it politely the cook will not be offended.
We would not say 'Eww this looks horrible.' (as that may offend the person that made it) but it is okay to say something like 'It looks great but I'm actually not a fan of ***.'
I have tried it before and I did not like it.
「Eww this looks horrible.〔(目で見て)これひどい〕」とは絶対に言いませんが、これならオッケーです↓
'It looks great but I'm actually not a fan of ***.'
I have tried it before and I did not like it.