冒頭の重要性を例えば「ブログは、最初の書き出しがとても重要です」や「Tiktok動画が伸びるかどうかは最初の2秒で全てが決まります」と伝えたい。In blogging, the very first sentence is importantや...are all that determines whether your Tiktok video will get more viewsでしょうか?
The opening paragraph plays a significant role in a blog.
Whether your TikTok video will capture viewers' attention and potentially go viral hinges on the first two seconds.
The opening paragraph plays a significant role in a blog.
Whether your TikTok video will capture viewers' attention and potentially go viral hinges on the first two seconds.
hinge on ~にかかっている、~に左右される
When you write a blog, the very first sentence is the most important.
The first two seconds of your TikTok video determines whether you get more viewers or not.
ーWhen you write a blog, the very first sentence is the most important.
ーThe first two seconds of your TikTok video determines whether you get more viewers or not.