「どの店が一番美味しいのかは人によって好みが分かれるところだが、私個人的には杉田家、末廣家、武蔵家の順に好きだ」は「People have different tastes as to which restaurant is the best, but I personally prefer Sugitaya, Suehiroya and Musashiya in that order」ですか?
What people consider to be best is a matter of opinion. Personally I think Sugitaya is the best, then Suehiroya, and finally Musashiya.
ーWhat people consider to be best is a matter of opinion. Personally I think Sugitaya is the best, then Suehiroya, and finally Musashiya.
matter of opinion「見解上の問題・意見の分かれる問題」
People have different tastes when it comes to which restaurant is the best, but I personally prefer Sugitaya, Suehiroya, and Musashiya in that order.
People have different tastes when it comes to which restaurant is the best, but I personally prefer Sugitaya, Suehiroya, and Musashiya in that order.
Opinions on which place is the most delicious vary from person to person, but I personally like Sugita-ya, Suehiro-ya, and Musashi-ya the most, in that order.
・「Opinions on which place is the most delicious vary from person to person, but I personally like Sugita-ya, Suehiro-ya, and Musashi-ya the most, in that order.」
(意味) どの店が一番美味しいのかは人によって好みが分かれるところだが、私個人的には杉田家、末廣家、武蔵家の順に好きだ
・order 順番
・delicious [美味しい](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/44067/)