「おすすめのフォトスポットは1枚目の写真の場所です。そこから撮ると2枚目の写真のようなよく見る構図の写真を撮れます。こう撮りたい人は覚えておくと良いでしょう」の英訳は何でしょうか?The recommended photo spot is the location of the first photo.Remember thisでしょうか?You should keep this in mind?
The recommended photo spot is the one shown in the first picture. It’s a great spot to capture the kind of shot you see in the second photo. If you want to get a similar picture, it's a good idea to keep this location in mind.
The recommended photo spot is the one shown in the first picture. It’s a great spot to capture the kind of shot you see in the second photo. If you want to get a similar picture, it's a good idea to keep this location in mind.