「購入を悩んでいる人に背中を押す一言を申し添えるとしたら(もしあなたが買おうかどうか悩んでいて、背中を押す一言を言うとしたら)、『これを選んでおけば間違いない!』です」を英語で書きたい。If I had to offer a word of encouragement to anyone who is thinking about purchasing one, it would beでしょうか?
If I had to give you some advice about whether or not to buy this, I would say you can't go wrong purchasing this.
ーIf I had to give you some advice about whether or not to buy this, I would say you can't go wrong purchasing this.
can't go wrong で「間違いはない・しくじることはない」と言えます。