"I'd like it/them~" is really useful in restaurants or coffee shops. In this case, you can say "I'd like it hot." In other situations, you can use it like this:
- "I'd like it warmed up, please." <-- If you ordered baked goods at a coffee shop.
- "I'd like them scrambled." <-- Response to "How would you like your eggs?"
- "I'd like room for cream, please." <-- Tell the barista you want enough space to put creamer in your coffee.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying, "make it hot." You can use "make it~" for many different things at a coffee shop:
- "Make it decaffeinated, please."
- "Make it cold."
- "Make it extra hot."
- "Make it with soy, please."
- "Make it low-fat, please."
"I'd like it/them~" はレストランやコーヒーショップで使える便利なフレーズです。また"I'd like it hot."とも言えます。時と場合によってこのように使い分ける事ができます:
- "I'd like it warmed up, please." <-- クッキーなどの焼き菓子を注文した場合
- "I'd like them scrambled." <-- "How would you like your eggs?"の応答
- "I'd like room for cream, please." <-- バリスタにコーヒーにクリーマーを入れる事ができるように量にを少し少なめにしてもらう時
"make it hot."と言っても全然大丈夫です。
"make it~" もヒーヒーショップでとても便利なフレーズです:
- "Make it decaffeinated, please."
- "Make it cold."
- "Make it extra hot."
- "Make it with soy, please."
- "Make it low-fat, please."
A: What can I get you to drink?
B: Coffee, please
A: Hot or cold?
B: I'd like it hot
A: What can I get you to drink?
B: Coffee, please
A: Hot or cold?
B: I'd like it hot
A. お飲み物は何になさいますか?
B. コーヒーを下さい。
A. ホットですか?アイスですか?
B. 熱いのが好きです。
'Hot' has a different meaning to different people. For some people it may mean hot enough so that you can drink it immediately. If you like your coffee really hot, you could say' 'piping hot'.
A) I'd like it scorching hot please!
*Scorching hot: extremely hot
B) I'd like my coffee to be boiling hot!
*boiling hot - Something that is boiling or boiling hot is very hot.
Example - Yesterday i ordered fries and to my surprise it was boiling hot.
I hope this helps :-)
A) I'd like it scorching hot please!
*Scorching hot: extremely hot
Scorching hot=やけどするほど熱い。
B) I'd like my coffee to be boiling hot!
*boiling hot - Something that is boiling or boiling hot is very hot.
Example - Yesterday i ordered fries and to my surprise it was boiling hot.
Boiling hot=ものすごく熱い(Boil=沸騰)
Make it hot. - "make it" hot in the case means you can make it hot
e.g. Do you want mild or spicy? Make it spicy.
Instead of adding "please" to be polite, you can add "if possible," this means is similar to "if it won't inconvenience you."
Make it hot.ー 辛くできれば辛くしてくださいという意味。
例 Do you want mild or spicy? Make it spicy.
丁寧な言い方で"please"をつける代わりに、"if possible"をつけ”お手間でなければ”という意味合いで表現することもできます。
You may politely ask the waiter by starting with the adverb 'please'. The word 'please' functions both as a verb and as an adverb. In this case, it has been used as an adverb. As an adverb, it has several meanings, but, in this context, it has added extreme politeness to the request.
So you may say:
Please make it hot.
or you may simply say:
Hot coffee will do.
I like my coffee hot.
副詞の'please'を使うことによって丁寧に尋ねることができます。'please' は副詞と動詞です。この場合は副詞です。いろんな意味があるのですが今回はより文を丁寧にするために使われています。
Please make it hot.
or you may simply say:
Hot coffee will do.
I like my coffee hot.
To answer whether you want a hot or cold coffee, you can say:
"Hot, please."
"I'd like it hot, please."
"I'll take one hot/cold coffee."
"Hot, please."(温かいコーヒーをお願いします)
"I'd like it hot, please."(温かいコーヒーをお願いします)
"I'll take one hot/cold coffee."(温かいコーヒー/冷たいコーヒーを一杯ください)