世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2016/10/22 14:28
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  • (1) Your shoelace is untied.

  • (2) Your shoelaces are undone.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 一例をご紹介しますね。 《英訳例》 (1) Your shoelace is untied. (片足の)靴ひもがほどけてますよ。 (2) Your shoelaces are undone. (両足の)靴ひもがほどけてますよ。 《解説》 ★ 靴ひも 「靴ひも」は shoelace といいます。靴ひもは1足につき2本ですね。 片足のひもがほどけているときには shoelace と単数形にします。両足の場合は shoelaces です。 ★ ほどけた 靴ひもが「ほどけた」は undone や untied といいます。 【英辞郎】 undone 【形-1】破滅した、がくぜんとした 【形-2】解いた、ほどいた、ほどけた untied 【形-1】縛られていない 【形-2】拘束[制限]されていない 【形-3】〔頭が〕混乱した --------------------------------------------- 《例文》 Sir, your shoelace is untied. I don't want you to get hurt. あの、靴ひもがほどけてますよ。けがすると大変ですから。 (出典:Circle of the 9 Muses) Oh, your shoelaces are undone, Terry. Terry、靴ひもがほどけてるよ。 (出典:Teacher, Teacher!) Oh! Your shoelaces are untied. You must have tripped on them. (出典:Professor & the Pregnant Nanny) Your shoelace is undone, darling, please let me do it up, you'll fall over and hurt yourself. 靴ひもがほどけてるよ。結んであげる。転んでけがしたらどうするの。 (出典:Alanatomy: The Inside Story) お役に立てば幸いです。 ありがとうございました。
  • Your shoe is untied.

Your shoe is untied. 靴ほどけてるよ。 shoelace: くつひも ですが、よりカジュアルに言えば、Your shoe is untied. そういえばバックトゥザフューチャーでいじめ役のBiffが主人公のお父さんを小ばかにするときに、Your shoe's untied. といって、お父さんが下を向いたとこに顎をひっぱたくというシーンがあります。
  • Excuse me but I could't help but notice that your shoelaces are untied.

  • Your shoelaces are untied. You can trip.

1.Excuse me but I could't help but notice that your shoelaces are untied. - You can use this if it it is someone you have met in public and you want to be polite. 2.Your shoelaces are untied. You can trip. - You can use this sentence on someone you know. To trip means to fall.
1.Excuse me but I could't help but notice that your shoelaces are untied. すみません。靴の紐がほどけていますよ。 公共の場所などで、誰かに丁寧に伝えたい時はこのように言うことが出来ます。 2.Your shoelaces are untied. You can trip. 靴の紐がほどけてるよ。転んじゃうよ。 知り合いなどのはこのようにゆうことが出来ます。 "To trip"とは、転ぶという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Your shoelaces are undone

  • You'll fall over!

"Hey James, you are in serious danger of ending up in hospital in the next few minutes!" "Why, what do you mean?" "Well, you're running and both your shoelaces are undone!" "Well, it's not a problem. I'm doing fine!" "If you don't stop and do them up, you'll fall over!" "Thanks for your advice but I'll do it later."
"Hey James, you are in serious danger of ending up in hospital in the next few minutes!" 「なあジェームズ、君に危険が近づいている。数ヶ月後には病院にいるぞ!」 "Why, what do you mean?" 「どういうことさ?」 "Well, you're running and both your shoelaces are undone!" 「君、靴紐がどちらも結ばれてないぞ。」 "Well, it's not a problem. I'm doing fine!" 「全然問題じゃないよ。俺は大丈夫さ。」 "If you don't stop and do them up, you'll fall over!" 「立ち止まって、結びなよ。いつか転ぶよ。」 "Thanks for your advice but I'll do it later." 「ありがとう。後でやっとくよ。」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Your shoelaces are totally loose.

  • You will trip over your loose shoelaces.

Shoelaces can be very frustrating sometimes because they get loose when you don't expect them to. Furthermore, they get loose in the strangest of places and when you have a bit of walking to do. I have seen well dressed people bend over to tighten their loose shoelaces. So, when you next see a person with undone shoelaces, you may say: Your shoelaces are totally loose. or You will trip over your loose shoelaces.
靴紐は、緩くなると思っていないときに限って、緩くなっているのでたまにイライラさせられます。そして、ちょっと歩きにいくときに、緩くなるものです。きちんとした格好の人が、靴紐を結んでいるのを見たことがあります。なので、もし靴紐がほどけている人を見かけたら、以下のように言うといいでしょう。  Your shoelaces are totally loose. 靴紐がほどけていますよ。  You will trip over your loose shoelaces. ほどけた靴紐につまづきますよ。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Your shoes are untied

  • Your shoe laces need tying

  • Your laces are undone

Untied and undone are both used to explain that the laces are not tied. You could say shoe laces or simply just laces. People will know what you mean as its the most common form of clothing that has laces. It is usual to point or gesture towards the person's feet when stating this.
Untied と undone はどちらも靴紐がほどけているという意味です。 靴紐はshoe lacesまたはlacesと言います。 この表現を使うときは、その人の足元を指したり、ジェスチャーをしたりして伝えるのが普通です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • your laces are undone..

  • Do be careful! your shoe-laces are undone! Best tie them agan...before you trip!

We can have "a nasty fall" when we fail to notice our laces have " come undone"! It is normall social behaviour to point this out: with a "small warning attached" ;-) "Be careful... your laces are could trip up and hurt yourself"
靴ひもが"come undone"(ほどけ)ている事に気が付かなければ "a nasty fall"(ひどい転倒)をします。 これを注意することはよくある社会的マナーです。 "small warning attached"(ちょっとした注意)を言ってあげることによって ;-) 【例】 "Be careful... your laces are could trip up and hurt yourself" (気を付けて、あなたの靴ひもがほどけているよ。転んでけがをします)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Your shoelaces are untied.

You are out with your friend. And, you look down and notice that their shoelaces are untied. For example. Hey, your shoelaces are untied. Oh yeah, thanks for that, let me just tie them. No problem. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Your shoelaces are untied.

  • Tie your shoes.

If someone is wearing laces they will most times look down and tie their shoelaces. You can also say to someone that their "laces"(slang term for shoelaces) are untied or tie your shoelaces.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • your laces are open

  • your shoelaces are undone

example "be careful, your laces are untied". or "Your laces are undone"
例: "Be careful, your laces are untied" 気を付けて、靴紐がほどけているよ。  "Your laces are undone" 靴紐がほどけているよ。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Your shoe laces are undone.

  • Your shoe laces are loose.

  • Careful not to trip over your undone shoe laces.

Use the sentences above to tell someone that the laces on their shoes are untied. Laces help make the shoe fit and sit more comfortably. If your shoelaces are undone then it is easy to trip over the laces or have the shoe come off your foot because it is not sitting tightly or securely. "Excuse me, your laces are undone." "Mom, careful not to trip over your laces, they're undone." "Your shoelaces are loose, please tie them up." "Hey, did you see your shoelaces are not tied?"
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Your shoelaces are untied.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^o^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 Your shoelaces are untied. 「あなたの靴ひもが結ばれていない」 のように表現できると思います(*^^*) 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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