世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/10/28 18:26
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  • How much did you think of me today?

think of me 「私のことを考える」 think of は頻出表現で、 think of you あなたのことを考える think of today's match 今日の試合について考える think of upcoming election 今度の選挙について考える などと使い勝手が良い表現です。 How much は金額を言うと思う方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、 「どれくらいい多く」を意味し、その一つの使い方として「ハウマッチ?いくら?」 という風に使えるわけです。
Shihpin Lin 士林翻訳サービス 主任翻訳者
  • Did you think about me much today?

  • Did you miss me today?

  • Am I always on your mind?

To be on someone's mind = occupying someone's thoughts. There is a famous Elvis Presley song: "You Were Always On My Mind." When a couple meet and fall in love, there are times when one or the other of them may require some reassurance or confirmation that nothing has changed. "Did you think about me much today?" "I never stop thinking about you!"
To be on someone's mind = ずっと考えているということ。 "You Were Always On My Mind." というエルヴィスプレスリーの有名な曲があります。 カップルは時々このような質問を聞きあいます。 (英文) "Did you think about me much today?" "I never stop thinking about you!" (訳) 「今日私のことについて考えた?」 「あなたのことについて考えることをやめられない!」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How much did you think about me today?

  • I hope I was on your mind the whole day.

How much did you think about me today?- This is a question and you would want to know if they thought about you during the day. I hope I was on your mind the whole day.- You can say this in joking/fun way.If someone is on your mind it means that you have been thinking about them.
How much did you think about me today?-その日に あなたについて考えたか聞くことができます。 I hope I was on your mind the whole day.- これは冗談で言ったりします。 someone is on your mindということはその人のことについてずっと考えているという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Did you think about me much today?

  • How much did you think about me today?

  • Did you miss me today?

If you want to know if someone thought about you, you could simply say 'did you miss me today?' this implies that they were thinking about you and missing you. You could also ask 'Did you think about me much today?' although this might not give such a detailed answer you would be better to ask 'How much did you think of me today?' they would then tell you how much!
相手に自分のことを考えたか尋ねたいなら、シンプルに、 'Did you miss me today?'(今日私のこと考えた?) と言えます。これは、考えて恋しく思ったかというニュアンスです。 また、 'Did you think about me much today?'(今日私のこと考えた?) と聞くこともできます。ただ、これだと、具体的な答えは返ってこないかもしれません。 こちらの聞き方の方がいいと思います: 'How much did you think of me today?'(今日どのくらい私のこと考えた?) これなら、どのくらい考えたか教えてくれます!
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Did you think of me much today?

  • How often did I cross your mind today?

  • Did you have me in your thoughts a lot today?

have me in your thoughts = think of me You can also say that you "crossed someone's mind"... the image is that the picture of you appeared in their mind.
have me in your thoughts = 私の事を考えてください また、次のように言う事も出来ます。 "crossed someone's mind" これは心に思い浮ぶという意味です。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • How much did you think of me to today?

  • How much was I on your mind today?

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to ask your listener how much they thought of you today. In the second sentence you will see the term on one's mind. This means to be thinking of something. This is a term that is appropriate for informal settings, like talking with close friends or family.
上記二つの例文は、今日どのくらい自分のことを考えたか相手に尋ねる素晴らしい言い方です。 2番目の文に"on one's mind"というフレーズがあります。この表現は「〔あることを〕考えている」という意味です。この表現は、親友や家族と話すときなど砕けた場面に適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Did you think about me a lot today?

  • Were you thinking about me all day?

  • Was I on your mind today?

These three questions all express the same idea. They ask your boyfriend to explain to you how much he was thinking about you today. The first question is very direct. The second question is more subtle and informal. The third question uses an English idiom "to be on someone's mind". When someone is "on your mind" you are thinking about them a lot. For example: You were on my mind a lot today. Bills have been on my mind a lot today. I hope I was on your mind today.
これら3例とも言っていることは同じです。ボーフレンドに今日自分のことをどのくらい考えたか尋ねる言い方です。 一つ目の質問はとても直接的です。二つ目の質問はより遠回しでインフォーマルな言い方です。 三つ目の質問では"to be on someone's mind"というイディオムを使っています。これは「〔主語のことが〕気になって」という意味です。 【例】 You were on my mind a lot today.(今日はあなたのことばかり考えていた) Bills have been on my mind a lot today.(今日は請求書のことばかり考えている) I hope I was on your mind today.(今日私のこと考えてくれた?)
Peter E DMM英会話講師
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