世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/08 23:25
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  • Don’t look too closely! I’m not wearing makeup. I just got out of the bath.

[すっぴん](でも恥ずかしくないですよー!お風呂上がりでリラックスした状態なら、よりスムーズに会話できそうですね。 Don’t look too closely! I’m not wearing makeup. I just got out of the bath.   「あまりじっくり見ないでください。お化粧してません。[お風呂](上がりなんで。」 こう言ったら英語の先生はきっとスクリーンに顔を近づけてくると思いますけどね!
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • Excuse me for not wearing makeup!

「[すっぴん](で[すみません](!」と言う意味です。 Excuse--- は他にもいろんなパターンで使えます Excuse the mess. 散らかっててすみません Excuse the noise. 音がうるさくてすみません Excuse me for wearing pajama's. パジャマ姿ですみません。 などなど 「Excuse the +名詞 」は状況(環境)に対して使い、 「Excuse me for -- 」は自分の状態に対して使います。
  • "Sorry! I didn't have a chance to put on my makeup"

  • "Sorry! I just got out of the shower and didn't have a chance to put my makeup on"

You can open with the apology "Sorry", as it's something you feel bad about and want the other person to know that it was not intentional. By saying "I didn't have the chance" you are explaining that you were in a rush to get ready and ran out of time. In general, it may be considered a bit too personal to announce to a teacher that you just came out of the shower or bath, but if you have a good friendly relationship it's totally fine to say so, as in example 2.
自分が何かに対して、申し訳なく思い、わざとではないということを伝えたいとき、"Sorry"から会話を始めるといいと思います。"I didn't have the chance" 「暇がなかった」ということで、準備に追われて、時間がなかったことを伝えることができます。 一般的に、先生に、シャワーやお風呂からあがったところと伝えるのは、プライベートなことなのであまり伝えないほうがいいでしょう。例2のように、友人などの間ではもちろん使ってもかまいません。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry for not wearing makeup today, teacher. I just got out of the shower and didn't have time to put it on.

  • Sorry! I didn't have a chance to put on my makeup today because I just got out of the bath.

  • I apologize for my appearance! I just got out of the bath/shower and didn't have time for putting on makeup.

"I'm sorry for not wearing makeup today, teacher. I just got out of the shower and didn't have time to put it on." This is great way to express that you were in a rush and just got out of the bath, so you were unable to put on makeup. It is also apologetic and casual, so you can use this anytime with your teacher. You are under no obligation to put on makeup for your lessons, so your teacher will always forgive you! Therefore, there is no express need for a formal way to say this. Example: You: "I'm sorry for not wearing makeup today, teacher. I just got out of the shower and didn't have time to put it on." Teacher: "No worries! That's perfectly fine. Let's get started with our lesson!" "Sorry! I didn't have a chance to put on my makeup today because I just got out of the bath." This is similar to the previous expression, but it's a bit more informal. You might use this sentence instead of the previous one if you have seen the teacher many times before during lessons. Example: You: "Sorry! I didn't have a chance to put on my makeup today because I just got out of the bath." Teacher: "That's just fine! It doesn't matter at all!" "I apologize for my appearance! I just got out of the bath/shower and didn't have time for putting on makeup." As mentioned before, you don't have to be very formal with your teacher, but this is a formal sentence. This is a way to express that you are apologetic about how you look and that you have a reason for looking the way you do. You might use with a teacher that you are meeting for the first time, or if you like to speak or practice formal English during your lessons. Example: You: "I apologize for my appearance! I just got out of the bath/shower and didn't have time for putting on makeup." Teacher: "It's no problem at all! However, if you feel uncomfortable with your appearance, you are always free to turn off your webcam."
"I'm sorry for not wearing makeup today, teacher. I just got out of the shower and didn't have time to put it on." (すっぴんですみません、先生。シャワー浴びたばかりでお化粧をする時間がありませんでした) これは 急いでシャワーを浴びて化粧をする時間がなかった、と言う気持ちを言い表すのにとてもいい表現です。 またこれは、申し訳なさそうでしかもカジュアルなのでいつでも先生に伝えることが出来ます。 レッスンを受講する時に、お化粧をしている事は義務ではないでの、先生はいつも許してくれるでしょう。 ですので、フォーマルに言い表す必要はないでしょう。 【例】 You: "I'm sorry for not wearing makeup today, teacher. I just got out of the shower and didn't have time to put it on." (あなた:先生、今日はすっぴんですみません。シャワー浴びたばかりでお化粧する時間がありませんでした) Teacher: "No worries! That's perfectly fine. Let's get started with our lesson!" (先生:気にしないで!全然問題ないですよ。さあ、レッスンを始めましょう!) "Sorry! I didn't have a chance to put on my makeup today because I just got out of the bath." (すみません!お風呂から出たばかりで化粧をする時間がありませんでした) これは先の表現と同じような意味になります。 ですが、少しフォーマルになります。 レッスン中に先生をよく見るのであれば、先ほどの表現の代わりに使うといいでしょう。 【例】 You: "Sorry! I didn't have a chance to put on my makeup today because I just got out of the bath."   (あなた:すみません!お風呂から出たばかりなのでお化粧する時間がありませんでした) Teacher: "That's just fine! It doesn't matter at all!" (先生:大丈夫ですよ!気にしませんよ!) "I apologize for my appearance! I just got out of the bath/shower and didn't have time for putting on makeup." (私の見かけ、申し訳ありません。お風呂/シャワーを浴びたばかりでお化粧をするじかんがありませんでした) 先にも述べた通り、先生に対してとても格式張る必要はありません。 ですが、これはフォーマルな表現です。 これは理由があってあなたの見かけについて申し訳ない気持ちを表す表現になります。 始めた会う先生に使うといいかもしれません。 または、レッスン中にフォーマルな英語を練習するときにもいいかもしれませんね。 【例】 You: "I apologize for my appearance! I just got out of the bath/shower and didn't have time for putting on makeup." (あなた:私の見かけ、もうしわけありません。お風呂/シャワーを浴びたばかりでお化粧をする時間がありませんでした) Teacher: "It's no problem at all! However, if you feel uncomfortable with your appearance, you are always free to turn off your webcam." (先生:全く問題ないですよ!でも、あなたの見かけが気になるようでしたら、いつでもカメラを切って大丈夫ですよ)
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry! I'm now barefaced after taking a shower.

本来、barefacedとは「恥知らずな、白々しい」とネガティブなイメージで使われることが多いです。barefaced lieでよくもまぁそんな嘘を付けるね!みたいな。そういうことから「隠さない」という意味が含まれ、また「素面の、すっぴんの」という意味にも派生します。今回は形容詞ですが、もちろんbarefaceと名詞で使うこともできます。
Zakiyama バイリンガル自由人
  • Sorry, I'm not wearing any makeup! I just got out of the shower.

  • Sorry, I didn't have chance to put on makeup after taking a shower!

A good way to apologize is to use the word "sorry." You can use this word to ask to be excused for any situation. Then, you can explain that the reason you are not wearing makeup is that you just took a shower and did not have time to put any on. To say, "I did not have chance," is to say that you were in a rush and did not have time to do something.
何かに対して謝るいい方法は、sorryという言葉を使うことです。なんらかの状況に失礼があった場合に使います。それから、お風呂あがりで時間がなかったためにメイクをする時間がなかったという理由を説明するといいでしょう。"I did not have chance."というのは、急いでいて何かをする時間がなかったというフレーズです。
  • I'm sorry I didn't have time to put on any make up because I just got out of the shower

  • Please forgive me I did not get a chance to put on any make up

I'm sorry I didn't have time to put on any make up because I just got out of the shower You start by apologizing to the teacher for not putting on any make up. You then go on to explain why could not put on any makeup. You could also say please forgive me I did not get a chance to put on any make up. By saying this, you are still apologizing first and also highlight what you are apologizing for.
I'm sorry I didn't have time to put on any make up because I just got out of the shower. ちょうどシャワーからあがったところなので、時間がなくてメイクをしていなくてすみません。 メイクをしていないことに対する謝罪から会話をはじめます。それからどうしてメイクをしていないのかを説明します。   Please forgive me I did not get a chance to put on any make up. メイクをする時間がなかったのを許してください。 こう言うことで、はじめに謝り、何に対して謝っているのかを伝えることができます。  
Fafie DMM英会話講師
  • I don't have makeup on.

  • I feel embarrassed without makeup on.

  • I just took a bath and I don't have makeup on.

"I don't have makeup on" = This gives a simply explains your current state. "Embarrassed" = This means to be shameful about something and to feel shy about something. Example: I am so embarrassed about falling down in front of all my friends. Example: I am embarrassed about wearing this ugly shoes! "I just took a bath and I don't have makeup on". = This explains the action you took and why you are not feeling comfortable. You can also say: *I just took a bath and I don't have makeup and feel embarrassed*
"I don't have makeup on" (すっぴんです) = これは、あなたの今の状況を説明しています。 "Embarrassed" (はずかしい) = これは、何かに対して恥ずかしい気持ちや、バツの悪さなどと言う意味になります。 【例 1】 I am so embarrassed about falling down in front of all my friends (友達みんなの前でひっくり返ってしまってとても恥ずかしいです) 【例 2】 I am embarrassed about wearing this ugly shoes! (こんな醜い靴はいて来ちゃってとっても恥ずかしいです) "I just took a bath and I don't have makeup on" (お風呂に入ったばかりなのですっぴんです) = これはあなたの行動によって居心地が悪い気持ちを説明しています。 次のように言い表すことが出来ます。 *I just took a bath and I don't have makeup and feel embarrassed* (お風呂上りですっぴんなので、恥ずかしいです)
Fay Fay DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry I'm not wearing makeup, I just got out of the shower

  • Sorry I just got out of the shower, I'm not wearing makeup.

In these two examples we can see that we can move around the sentence structure and still keep the same meaning within the sentence. I'm not wearing makeup can either come at the beginning or the end.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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