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2016/11/12 18:17
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  • I've gained weight due to being short of exercise.

太るは、gain weightと言います。 運動不足のせいで太ってきた。 Due to...=... のせいで/が原因で ちなみに急激に太る=Pile on the poundsという表現があります。 I've gained weight due to being short of exercise. 運動不足のせいで太ってきた。 People who pile on the pounds should go see a doctor. 急激に太る人は病院に行くべきだ。
  • I think I've gained some weight because of lack of exercise

  • I haven't been exercising much so I've put on a bit of weight.

To say that you have gained weight because of lack of exercise, you can say: I think I've gained some weight because of lack of exercise. To gain weight means to increase in weight. Lack of - When there is a lack of something there is an absence of something. You can also say: I haven't been exercising much so I've put on a bit of weight. T not do something much means that you have done very little of something To put on weight has the same meaning as gain weight or increase in weight. I hope that helps!
運動不足で太ったという場合、以下のように言えます。 I think I've gained some weight because of lack of exercise. To gain weight :体重が増える Lack of :欠如している I haven't been exercising much so I've put on a bit of weight. T not do something much とは、ほとんどしない、という意味です。 To put on weight これはgain weightと同じで体重が増えるという意味です。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I've put on some weight because I haven't been exercising.

  • I haven't been exercising like I should, that is why I think I've put on weight.

Hit the gym- a phrase we use when we are going to the gym. Example - I haven't hit the gym lately, that's why I've gained weight. Put on... weight- a phrase we use to say that we have gained weight Example - I need to hit the gym because I've put on some weight!
Hit the gym- ジムへ行く時に使用するフレーズ。 例 - I haven't hit the gym lately, that's why I've gained weight. 最近ジムに行ってないよ、そういうわけで体重が増えた。 Put on... weight- 体重が増えたことを言うためのフレーズ。 例 - I need to hit the gym because I've put on some weight! 体重増えたから、ジムに行かなきゃ!
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Lack of exercise is having an effect on my waistline!

  • Due to not exercising, I'm piling on the pounds!

To pile on the pounds is an expression meaning that you are putting on weight quickly. It may be the result of going on holiday and eating great meals every day, combined with lazing on the beach and drinking wine and beer all day! It is hardly surprising. Lack of exercise is always a contribution to weight gain.
pile on the pounds'とは体重が急に増えてきたという意味の表現になります。 これはもしかしたら、バケーションに出かけて素晴らしい食事を毎日食べて、ビーチでダラダラと過ごしワインやビールを一日中飲んだ結果としてこうなったのかもしれませんね! 驚くことはありません。 'Lack of exercise'(運動不足)は体重増加へいつも貢献します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have been a bit lazy with excercising recently so I have gained a few lbs/kg.

  • I've missed the gym a few times and I can really tell I'm putting weight on.

Been a bit lazy - means you haven't been very motivated to exercise, or haven't wanted to. Gained a few lbs/kg - gained - put on - a few makes it sound like you haven't put on a lot, but an notice the difference. I've missed the gym a few times - again, you may have been lazy or not had enough time and now you can notice the weight being put back on.
Been a bit lazyとは、エキササイズなどする気が起きない、やるきがないという意味です。 gained a few ibs/kg/gained/put on a fewは、太るという意味です。(少し) I've missed the gym a few times:だるくなったか、または時間がなくて最近ジムにいけていない、という意味で、ちょっと太ってきたときなどに使えますね。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • I have gained some weight recently because I haven't been exercising.

  • I haven't been exercising and that is why I have gained some weight.

Gained weight means that there has been an increase in weight.
"Gained weight"(太る)とは"weight"(重さ)が増える、という意味になります。
Angela Jane DMM英会話講師
  • I think I have gained some weight because I haven't been going to the gym.

  • I got out of my exercise routine, now I have gained some wieght.

  • I have not been exercising, so I think I gained some wieght.

Going to the gym is how it is usually expressed when you go to an actual gym with many different machines for exercise. Many people will say they are in a good exercise routine when they stick to their schedule and exercise at the same time several times a week.
"Going to the gym"(ジムに行く) これはジムへ行って様々機械を使って運動することを言います。 多くの人は計画に沿って一週間に同じ時間、色々なエクササイズすることを "they are in a good exercise routine"(良い運動習慣がある)と言ったりします。
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
  • I've gained weight as I'm not as active these days

To say that you have 'gained weight' is to explain that you have put on more weight. We use the word 'active' to describe physical exercise and activity, which can be anything from walking, to going to the gym to workout.
「gain weight」は「体重が増える」という意味です。 「active」は、身体的な運動・活動を表します、ウォーキングからジムで運動することまで、すべてです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Due to lack of physical activity I am gaining weight.

  • I am so lazy to exercise and its showing on my hips.

  • I am gaining weight due to lack of exercise.

"Due to lack of physical activity, I am gaining weight". "I am so lazy to exercise and it's showing on my hips". "I am gaining weight due to lack of exercise". The word exercise is a noun and means activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness. Lack of exercise could lead to increase in weight. Regular exercise can maintain a stable and balance weight. Exercise can lower risk of high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol which reduces the risk of heart diseases. Physical activity keeps the heart vessels healthy. If you do not exercise your muscle and bones weaken.
"Due to lack of physical activity, I am gaining weight". (運動不足のせいで、太ってきている) "I am so lazy to exercise and it's showing on my hips". (運動不足がお尻に表れてきている) "I am gaining weight due to lack of exercise". (運動不足のせいで、太ってきている) --------- 「exercise(名詞)」は、健康の維持または増進のため体を動かすこと(=運動)を言います。「exercise」が不足すると、体重増加につながることがあります。定期的に「exercise」すれば、体重は安定します。 「exercise」は、高血圧、高血糖、高コレストロールになるリスクを減らしてくれます。これによって、心臓病になるリスクも下がります。「exercise」には、心臓の血管を健康に保つ効果があります。「exercise」をしないと、筋肉や骨は弱くなります。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I have become fat because I haven't been exercising of late.

  • I have gained so much weight lately due to lack of exercise

If a person does not exercise regularly, he/she is bound to gain weight. The verb to 'gain' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means to increase in anything such as weight, speed, height, or amount. The verb to 'become' means to 'begin to be'. Both the adverb 'lately' and the phrase 'of late' mean 'recently'. They are interchangeable. The noun 'lack' functions both as a noun and as a verb. In this case, it has been used as a noun and it means 'a situation whereby one is without or does not have enough of something. So, you may say: I have become fat because I haven't been exercising of late. or I have gained so much weight lately due to lack of exercise.
人は定期的に運動をしないと、太ります。動詞の「gain」にはいくつか意味がありますが、ここでは、体重、スピード、高さ、量などが増えるという意味です。 「become(動詞)」は「ある状態になる(begin to be)」という意味です。 「lately(副詞)」と「of late(副詞句)」はともに「recently(最近)」という意味です。これは入れ替えて使うことが出来ます。 「lack」には名詞と動詞がありますが、ここでは名詞です。何かがない、または不足した状況を表します。 ですから、こう言うことが出来ます: I have become fat because I haven't been exercising of late. (最近運動していないので、太ってしまった) I have gained so much weight lately due to lack of exercise. (運動不足のせいで、体重が大分増えてしまった)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I think I'm getting fatter because of lack of exercise.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 I think I'm getting fatter because of lack of exercise. 「運動不足のせいで私は太ってきているように思う」 のように表現しても良いと思います(*^_^*) 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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