世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/11/14 01:57
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  • Thank you for always being so patient, friendly and listening to me like that.

Thank you for always being so patient, friendly and listening to me like that. いつも辛抱強く、優しく、私の話を聞いてくれてありがとうございます。 感謝の伝え方はいくつもありますが、パターンで覚えてしまうと 応用ができてとっても楽です。 もっともシンプルな表現のひとつがこちらです Thank you (very much) for - 〜のためにありがとう! これに自分の感謝したいことを当てはめていくだけですね。 その際のポイントは”for”の後ろは必ず「名詞」か「動詞ing」ということ! Thank you for your patient. (辛抱強く)お待ちいただきありがとうございます。 Thank you for being so patient and supportive. いつも辛抱強く、そして協力的でいてくれてありがとう! これだけを覚えておけばいろいろなシーンで感謝の伝え上手になれます。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Thank you so much for always listening to me with a smile on your face.

"Thank you for ~ing" で ”〜してくれてありがとう” "with a smile on one's face" で "笑顔で" という意味になります。 Let's wake up every day with a smile on your face :) 毎日笑顔で起きようというような形で使えます。ちなみに文末の:)は英語版の^o^。 横から見たスマイルマークになります。
  • I appreciate you always listening and being friendly.

  • I want to thank you for you listening with a friendly smile.

I appreciate you always listening and being friendly, is a polite way to show that you are thankful for someone listening to you and being friendly at the same time.
"I appreciate you always listening and being friendly" (いつも笑顔で聞いてくれて、ありがとうございます) これは丁寧な表現です、誰がにいつも笑顔で自分の話を聞いてくれることに感謝します、と言う意味になります。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Patient

  • Caring

  • Cheerful

example "thank you for always being so cheerful, even when i don't understand". or "thank you for being so patient". or "thank you for being so caring". you can also use words like supportive, friendly, pleasant
例文 "Thank you for always being so cheerful, even when I don't understand". 私がよく理解出来ない時も、いつも朗らかでいてくれてありがとう "Thank you for being so patient". いつも寛大でいてくれてありがとう "Thank you for being so caring". いつも気を使ってくれてありがとう supportive, friendly, pleasantといった言葉を使うことも出来ます。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for always smiling and listening to me patiently.

  • Thank you for always being calm towards my poor English.

▪Thank you for always smiling and listening to me patiently. patiently=in a way that shows tolerance of delays, ▪Thank you for always being calm towards my poor English. calm=not showing or feeling anger
▪Thank you for always smiling and listening to me patiently. patiently=遅れに忍耐を示すさま ▪Thank you for always being calm towards my poor English. calm=怒りを示したり感じたりしない
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for being so patient with me

"Could you explain that picture please, Juan?" "Yes, it er....... look like big horse eating vegetables on ground..and it has black and white mark in his when we walk across difficult with the ...traffic light....." "That was good, Juan! We just need to look a little at using articles 'a' and 'the' when we are speaking - and also the plural form with an S is useful sometimes." "Thanks for being so patient with me."
【例文】 "Could you explain that picture please, Juan?" (Juanさん、あの写真を説明してもらえますか?) "Yes, it er....... look like big horse eating vegetables on ground..and it has black and white mark in his when we walk across difficult with the ...traffic light....." (はい、野菜を食べている大きな馬…地面で…毛に黒と白のマークがあって…困難な道をわたるときのような…信号があって) "That was good, Juan! We just need to look a little at using articles 'a' and 'the' when we are speaking - and also the plural form with an S is useful sometimes." (いいですね、Juanさん!話す時は'a' や 'the'といった冠詞を使うことに注意が必要です。そしてSをつけた複数形が役立つときもあります) "Thanks for being so patient with me." (忍耐強く話を聞いてくださりありがとうございます)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I know my English isn't great so I appreciate your friendly smile.

  • I am thankful for your patience and your warm smile during our lesson.

Although the word warm is normally used to describe the weather or clothing, it can also be used to describe that something or someone is friendly or kind. We often use this term in English. Below are some sentences using this word. I was really nervous for my first English lesson, but then I saw the warm smile my teacher had and I felt less nervous. I felt scared when I traveled alone for the first time, but the warm welcome I received from my host family made me feel calm.
「warm」は、普通天気や衣服について用いられますが、friendly (フレンドリー)、また kind (親切) な人・事を表す時にも使われます。よく使われる単語です。 以下例文です: I was really nervous for my first English lesson, but then I saw the warm smile my teacher had and I felt less nervous. (初めての英語レッスンですごく緊張しましたが、先生の優しい笑顔を見て気持ちが落ち着きました) I felt scared when I traveled alone for the first time, but the warm welcome I received from my host family made me feel calm. (初めて独りで旅行した時はすごく不安でしたが、ホストファミリーが温かく迎えてくれて、気持ちが落ち着きました)
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for being patient with my English level.

  • Thanks for always encouraging me to speak.

  • Thanks for always having a positive attitude in our classes.

We can thank our teacher for always being, "patient," or kind about us needing time to make sentences. We can use, "encouraging," to refer to them giving us motivation to make our own sentences. Lastly we can talk about a, "positive attitude," which always being happy or having a smile when inside of the classroom.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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