世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2016/11/14 15:46
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  • He/She always brings the rain.

  • Rain bringer

「雨男・雨女」とは、雨を連れてきてしまう人という意味イメージで捉え、「彼/彼女は、いつも雨を連れてくる」という意味合いの "He/She always brings the rain." で表す事もできます^^

また、それを端的にまとめた、"Rain bringer" と表す事も出来ますよ♪

bring(s) the rain = 雨を連れてくる
rain bringer = 雨男・雨女

  • It always rains when she is around.

  • It always rains when he is around.


It always rains when she is around. 「彼女がいる時はいつも雨が降る」→「雨女」の場合
It always rains when he is around. 「彼がいる時はいつも雨が降る」→「雨男」の場合

Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • A rainmaker.

  • A rain king/queen.

"A rainmaker."
Literally,it is describes someone who seems to always be accompanied by rain

"A rain king/queen."
A fun way of describing a person who seems to bring rain with them.

A:Oh what do you,its the Rain Queen!
B: It's crazy how it always rains when I visit you.

"A rainmaker."
Literally,it is describes someone who seems to always be accompanied by rain.


"A rain king/queen."
A fun way of describing a person who seems to bring rain with them.

A rain king/queenは、雨王、雨王女のこと。雨男・雨女の面白い言い回しです。


A. Oh what do you,its the Rain Queen!

B. It's crazy how it always rains when I visit you.

Babz DMM英会話講師
  • rain bringer

  • someone who brings rain

Someone can be described as a rainmaker, or rain bringer.
"you always bring on the rain".
"it always rains when you visit".
"you're a rainmaker".

rainmaker または rain bringer という表現が使えます。

"You always bring on the rain".
"It always rains when you visit".
"You're a rainmaker".

Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Why does it always rain when you're around!

  • It always rains when you're around!

  • It always rains when he/she is around

Why does it always rain when you're around!
It always rains when you're around!
It always rains when he/she is around

You can also say:
You always bring the rain with you
You've brought the rain with you form_ (place they're from)

Hope this helps! ^ ^

Why does it always rain when you're around!

It always rains when you're around!

It always rains when he/she is around
*You always bring the rain with you

*You've brought the rain with you form_ (place they're from)

Beki DMM英会話講師
  • A rainmaker

  • It rains "every single time" he shows up...He truly is "a rainmaker"

Tradition has it, that when bad drought was "afflicting" a village (in ancient times)
A rainmaker would be asked to.. "perform a ritual."..and make the rainfall"..
In this case however, it would appear you friend may even be "a rain magnet"...but regardless ... he is a "real" rainmaker

友達が”rain magnet”(雨を惹きつける磁石=雨男)ともいえるでしょう。

Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Rain maker

  • Rain bringer

  • Someone who brings the rain.

We can use either one of these words to describe someone who brings the rain whenever they come to an event or location and have a natural luck with rainy weather.

Example sentences :
- You are such a rain maker, it always rains when you come visit.
- It is always raining when you come around.

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • 1. It always rains when you turn up!

  • 2. You always bring the rain with you.

  • 3. The rain accompanies you everywhere!

  1. It always..... - We use this expression when talking about something which frequently occurs.
    "Why does your girlfriend always disappear halfway through the evening?"
    Turn up = arrive, arrive somewhere.
  2. A "It just started!"
    B "The rain!" "You always bring the rain with you!"
  3. A "Wherever I go today, I get soaked!"
    B " Yes, the rain seems to accompany you everywhere!"
  1. It always..... - この表現は、よく起こることについて話すときに使う表現です。
    "Why does your girlfriend always disappear halfway through the evening?"
    Turn up = arrive, arrive somewhere. 現れる、到着する。
  2. A "It just started!" たった今はじまったよ
    B "The rain!" "You always bring the rain with you!" 雨だぁ。ほんといつも雨をもってくるよね。
  3. A "Wherever I go today, I get soaked!"今日はどこにいっても濡れるなぁ。
    B " Yes, the rain seems to accompany you everywhere!"うん、雨がどこにいってもついていくなぁ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Rain man/woman.

  • Rainmaker.


Why does it always seem to rain when you are around?
Can you control the weather? Because it always rains when you are around!
How come every time I see you, it's always raining!
It always seems to be raining when he/she is around.

Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • "A person who brings the rain"

  • "They always bring the rain when they are around"

In English, we would refer to someone who "brings rain" when they are around, you could express this by stating either of the following: "A person who brings the rain" or "They always bring the rain when they are around".

Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • A person who brings the rain with him/her.

  • It always seems to rain when he/she is around!

If you would like to explain to someone that it always seems to rain whenever he/she is around, you can call them something along the lines of "A person who brings the rain with him/her." or "It always seems to rain when he/she is around!". These are some easy ways to express that a particular person always seems to bring the rain with them wherever they go.

Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • It rains whenever you are around

  • It seems like you bring rain with you wherever you go.

When it seems like it rains when a certain person is around; you may express this in the following ways:
-It rains whenever you are around
-It seems like you bring rain with you wherever you go.

A more specific term for someone who is believed to be able to summon the rain is called a "Rain king/queen". Some cultures in the world believe that certain kings and queens can call the rain to come by speaking to their ancestors. That is why they are called "Rain king" or "Rain queen".

Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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