You should write a book about your life =自分の生涯についての本を書いた方がいいよ
Your life is so crazy, it could be a book!=あなたの人生はあまりにもすごくて、本にでもなりそう!
I would buy it =私だったら買うな
I would recommend it to all my friends=友達皆にお勧めしちゃうな
You have had such a fascinating life experience and it should be recorded - in book form!
Well, the most casual and normal way of making a comment that someone has had an amazing life full of highs and lows, adventures and disappointments, love and regret - is to say that they should write a book about their exploits! "Why don't you write a book about your incredible life?" you may ask.
"Why don't you write a book about your incredible life?"
write a book about your life = あなたの人生について本を書く
ご友人ご自身に書いてほしければ主語は You, 質問者さんが書きたいのであれば I ですね。
turn your life into a book = あなたの人生を本にする
その人生を送っているのはご友人なので、これは主語は You です。
can(~できる)、should (~すべき)入れ替えても大丈夫です。
I think if you write a book a about this you can help someone.
*You should write a book.
This means that you feel that they have such an interesting life and a lo of people would like to read about it.
To publish something means to make information available to people, especially in a book, magazine, or newspaper, or to produce and sell a book, magazine, or newspaper:
For example: She's just had an article published in their weekend supplement.
*You should write a book.
She's just had an article published in their weekend supplement.
You should not be afraid in writing your autobiography.
You should document your life story in a diary.
You must plan on writing your memoir.
You should start writing your personal history.
You should not be afraid in writing your autobiography.
You should document your life story in a diary.
You must plan on writing your memoir.
You should start writing your personal history.
Your life is so interesting you should write a book about it
You should write an autobiography
A book that you write about your life is called an 'autobiography' which is usually written by well known or celebrities but if someone you know has had an interesting life you might encourage them to write a book on their life you can simply say 'you should write a book about your life' or 'you should write an autobiography'
自分の人生について書いた本のことを 'autobiography' といいます。これは普通有名人によって書かれます。ただ、もし自分の知り合いに面白い人生を送ってきた人がいるなら、それについて本を書くよう勧めることができます。シンプルに次のように言えます。
'You should write a book about your life'(自伝を書いた方がいいですよ)
'You should write an autobiography'(自伝を書いた方がいいですよ)
often used when talking to someone who has had or is having a crazy life, who have many stories and you think other people should hear about them.
An autobiography is a book written by ones self about ones self.