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I am looking for a new car that is affordable. の文書で that の代わりにwhich は 使えますか? that とwhich の違いを知りたいです。
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2015/12/11 10:18
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  • That = restrictive clause, creates a limit or definition of another part of the sentence

  • Which = nonrestrictive clause, which adds information

「That」という言葉は、文法的に「restrictive clause」と呼ばれます。 「Restrictive clause」というの文法的な機能は他の文章の部分に限られているか定義をしています。限界があるという意味合いです。 例えば: I want a car that is affordable. (この場合には、安い車に限られています。安くない車は欲しくない。) その一方、「which」は文法的に「nonrestrictive clause」と言います。「Nonrestrictive clause」というの機能は情報を追加することです。定義をしていません。何も限られていません。限界がないけれども、他の情報を追加したい時だけです。 例えば: I bought a new car, which was affordable. I bought a new car, which was affordable, and drove it home. (この場合は、文書の中にその車の安さは追加の情報です。安い車だけを探してなかった、けれども結局安いのを買いました) なので、「安い車を探している」と言いたい時は: ○ I am looking for a new car that is affordable. X I am looking for a new car which is affordable. 安い車だけが欲しいですね。なので、「that」を使います。 「Which]を言ったら、意味が伝わるが、不自然です。
  • I am looking for a new car which is affordable.

  • I am looking for a new car that is affordable.

  • I am looking for an affordable new car.

文法上のルールに関することなので補足します。 この場合は that/whichともに可能です。 関係代名詞thatはたしかに常に限定(restrictive)用法でしか使うことができませんが、 which(および who)には限定用法と非限定(nonristrictive)用法があります。 (例えば、江川泰一郎『英文法解説』76ページ。) そこでご質問のケースでは、whichを使って「安い車」と言うこともできます。 一方、thatは限定用法しかないので、「, which」で説明を加えるような場合(非限定用法)、例えば  The flowers, which she planted in the front yard, are growing well.  (彼女は花を前庭に植えたが、それらはよく育っている。) これを thatに置き換えることはできないということになります。 なお、最後に挙げたのは関係代名詞を使わなくても言えるという例です。
  • I would like an affordable new car.

"would like" means that you want something but that you don't have it yet. It's important that you use the order of "affordable" before "new" due to English grammar. I hope that this helps :)
"would like"は「~が欲しい」という意味です。英語の文法上、"new"の前に"affordable"を置くことが重要です。 お役に立てれば幸いです :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • This is my budget for a new car.

  • I want a new car that is affordable.

"This is my budget for a new car." With this expression you are letting the person you are talking to be it the salesperson or just a friend that you have a specific budget for a new car. In this case the salesperson knows that the amount you have informaed them is the amount you can afford. "I want a new car that is affordable" In this expression you are saying that you want a new car that is affordable. With this expression you are leaving up to the person to figure out what is "affordable" to you. This is a good way of buying a vehicle because the sales person doesnt know where to start so he/she will probably show you many options.
例文 "This is my budget for a new car." (新車の予算はこれだけです) ここでは、話し手が聞き手(それが販売員であれ友達であれ)に、新車の予算が決まっていることを伝えています。聞き手に、その金額までしか払えないということが伝わります。 例文 "I want a new car that is affordable" (手頃な価格の新車が欲しいです) ここでは、手頃な価格の新車が欲しいと言っています。どれくらいの金額が手頃であるかは聞き手に委ねています。これは良い車の買い方です。というのは、販売員はどの金額から始めて良いか分からないので、たぶんたくさんの選択肢を示してくれます。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • I am looking for a car which is affordable.

  • I would like an affordable new car.

By saying "I am looking for a car which is affordable", it illustrates that you are both looking for a car and looking for a car which is affordable. This shows that there are two things that you need, both a car and for you to deem it affordable in order for you to be able to buy it.
"I am looking for a car which is affordable"は「手頃な車を探している」という意味です。ここでは、話し手は二つのことを求めています。車と、それが手頃な値段であることです。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I'm looking to buy an affordable car.

  • I'd like to buy a car that is affordable.

Native speakers will say like this: “I'm looking to buy an affordable car”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: What are you looking at? B: I'm browsing cars on this site, I'd like to buy an affordable one.
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “I'm looking to buy an affordable car”(手頃な車を買おうと思っている) 他にもいろいろな言い方がありますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 以下は会話での使用例です。 A: What are you looking at?  何を見ているの? B: I'm browsing cars on this site, I'd like to buy an affordable one.  このサイトで車を見ているんだ。手頃な車を買いたくて。
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • I'm looking for an affordable, new car.

  • I'm looking for a new car that's affordable.

  • I'm in the market for a new car that's reasonable.

Affordable (adjective) = reasonable = not expensive or low-cost "These watches all have reasonable prices." In the market for something - interested in buying something "I'm in the market for a new house." "I'm not in the market for a new laptop."
Affordable (adjective) = Reasonable = 値段が手頃な / 低価格の "These watches all have reasonable prices." 「これらの時計は全て手頃な値段です」 In the market for something - ~を買いたいと思っている "I'm in the market for a new house." 「新しい家を探しています」 "I'm not in the market for a new laptop." 「ノートパソコンは探していません」
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • I'm looking for a new car that's affordable.

  • I'm looking for an affordable new car.

If you want to explain that you're looking for a new car that's affordable, you can say: "I'm looking for a new car that's affordable." "I'm looking for an affordable new car."
「手頃な価格の新車を探している」は次のように言えます。 "I'm looking for a new car that's affordable." "I'm looking for an affordable new car." (手頃な価格の新車を探しています)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • I'm looking for a new car that's affordable

  • I'm looking for an affordable new car

When talking about buying a car some can be expensive and you might have to stick to a budget so as not to spend too much money, if you can manage to pay for the car with no problems you are said to be able to 'afford' it so it is 'affordable'
車には値段が高いものもありますね。そして、車を買うなら、予算もあるでしょう。その予算内で買うことができるものは、'affordable'(手頃な)と表せます。'affordable' は 'afford'(買うことができる)の形容詞形です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'm looking for an affordable car.

  • I'm interested in buying a reasonably priced car.

  • I'd like to buy an inexpensive car.

I'm looking for an affordable car. ** I'm looking: you are in search of (sometimes used when we have already seen cars and continue to go in search of more...) I'm interested in buying a reasonably priced car. ** I'm interested in: you are in search of **Reasonably priced: well priced, the right price (that fits the budget) I'd like to buy an inexpensive car. **I'd (I would) like to: Ideal scenario **inexpensive : cheap, low priced, within budget
I'm looking for an affordable car.(手頃な車を探しています) ** I'm looking: 探している(既にいくつか車を見ていて、まだ探しているというときにも使います) I'm interested in buying a reasonably priced car.(手頃な車を探しています) ** I'm interested in: 探している ** Reasonably priced: 手頃な値段、予算に合う値段 I'd like to buy an inexpensive car.(安い車を買いたいです) **I'd (I would) like to: 理想的なシナリオ **inexpensive : 安い(cheap)、安価な(low priced)、予算内の(within budget)
Ana Filipa DMM英会話講師
  • I'm looking for a new and affordable car

  • I searching for a car that's new, yet affordable

You are looking for a new car that is affordable and wish to explain that point. The abovementioned suggestions should fit this situation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm looking for a car which is affordable.

I'm looking' indicates that you are in the process of trying to find something and using the word 'affordable' means something that is not expensive.
I'm looking'とは、何かを探している最中であることを意味します。  'affordable'とは、高価ではないという意味です。
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • I'm looking for a new car that won't 'break the bank'.

  • I want to buy a new car that I can afford.

  • I'm need to get a new car that is affordable.

"I'm looking for a new car that won't 'break the bank'." When we use the phrase "break the bank" we mean that something will cost a lot of money or all of your money.
"I'm looking for a new car that won't 'break the bank' (手頃な新車を探しています。)  "break the bank"とは、高価な、お金のかかるという意味です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a car within my budget of....?

  • I am looking for a car on the cheaper side if possible...

Do you have a car within my budget? - This entails that you have a budget and that you have said what that budget is to the person you are asking this question too. 'I am looking for a car on the cheaper side if possible...' - The cheaper side would be an amount less than your budget, the cheaper side is the one with less money, the more expensive side would be a car worth more money than you can afford.
Do you have a car within my budget? (予算内の車はありますか?)は、自分に予算があり、その予算で車を欲しいことを伝える質問です。   'I am looking for a car on the cheaper side if possible...' (可能なら安めの車を探しているのですが。) The cheaper side とは、あなたの予算よりも低い価格ということです。the more expensive sideとは、買うことのできる以上の金額の車ということです。
Bradley A bradleya
  • I'm look for a new car that's inexpensive.

  • I'm looking for a cheap car.

When describing something as affordable, you can say either "inexpensive" or "cheap". This means you would like something that doesn't cost a lot of money. To specify that you want a new car that's affordable, you can say "I'm looking for a new car that's inexpensive". You can also say "cheap", which can mean inexpensive, but sometimes can mean that it doesn't work well. Sometimes, you will have to specify what you mean by "new" - a "new car" can be something that's slightly used, but you are the "new" owner, or can be completely new from the car dealer and has never had a previous owner before.
安価なものを言うのに、"inexpensive" や "cheap"という言葉を使います。これはお金がそれほどかからないという意味です。 安価な車を探していることを、"I'm looking for a new car that's inexpensive"(安い新しい車を探しています。)と言うことができます。また、"cheap"も安価なという意味ですが、そのような意味にならないこともあります。   また時には、  "new"(新しい)をどのような意味で使っているのかを具体的にしないといけません。  "new car"は、中古車であっても買い手からすると新しい車となります。もしくは、車のディーラーから買う新車のことを指す場合もあります。
Thia H DMM英会話講師
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