世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/11 15:35
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  • There aren't any meeting rooms available so let's go to a cafe.

  • The meeting rooms were all taken so let's meet at a cafe.

①There aren't any meeting rooms available so let's go to a cafe. (=会議室がどれも空いていないので、カフェに行きましょう) *空いてる= open. でも大丈夫ですが、availableだと、空いてる上に「利用可能」という意味も含まれてきますので、こちらの方がいいかと思います。 「カフェに行きましょう」ではなく、ただ「外に出ましょう」と言いたい場合は、"let's go out"でokです。 ②The meeting rooms were all taken so let's meet at a cafe. (=会議室が全部埋まっていたので、カフェでミーティングしましょう) "All taken" = すべてとられている=すべて埋まっている=在庫がない 等 この場合の"meet"は「会いましょう」という意味もありますが、「ミーティングしましょう」という意味にもなります。
  • There are no rooms available. We'll have to improvise!

  • As no meeting rooms are available, we'll have to find an alternative venue

When you plan to do something and for some reasons the careful plan falls flat or cannot go ahead, then it becomes necessary to 'think on your feet' or 'improvise.' This means to act quickly and spontaneously, adjusting to the changing conditions and implementing another plan suitable for the present situation. "John lost all the sheet music for his performance but was able to improvise successfully." Alternative venue = another location for the event
何かを計画するときに、計画が進まないときがある。 その場合 think on your feetやimproviseということが必要になってくる。 これは、自発的に素早く行動を起こすという意味で、変化する状況に合わせてふさわしい計画を進めて行くという意味なんだ。 例:"John lost all the sheet music for his performance but was able to improvise successfully." Alternative venue = 代替場所
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • There aren't any meeting rooms available so let's go somewhere else.

Yukaさんが書いたように、"there aren't any meeting rooms open" でも会議室がどれも空いてないのでという意味になりますが、自分からするとavailableの方が丁寧な感じもします。 また、外に行きましょうの他の言い方としては、「場所を変えましょう」という意味で "let's go somewhere else"でもいいと思います。
  • There are no meeting rooms available, so let's go to a cafe or somewhere to talk.

  • Would you mind going to a cafe or somewhere to talk? There are no meeting rooms available right now.

  • All the meeting rooms are booked so let's meet somewhere else.

会議室は空きがありません = there are no meeting rooms available / all the meeting rooms are booked 外で話しましょう = let's talk outside/somewhere else
会議室は空きがありません。 すべての会議室が予約されています。 外かどこかで話しましょう。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • shall we get a coffee and have a chat, there are no meeting rooms available.

  • would you like to hold the meeting outside as we have no meeting rooms free

  • lets conduct this meeting over lunch as we have no free conference rooms

example "the conference rooms are all fully booked, shall we hold the meeting in the cafe". or "would you mind if we conduct the meeting over lunch as the meetings rooms are all fully booked" or "shall we grab a coffee and have a chat there as there are no free conference rooms right now".
例文: "the conference rooms are all fully booked, shall we hold the meeting in the cafe". 会議室はすべて使われているのでカフェでミーティングをしましょう。 "would you mind if we conduct the meeting over lunch as the meetings rooms are all fully booked" 会議室が満室なのでランチをしながらミーティングをしてもいいでしょうか? "shall we grab a coffee and have a chat there as there are no free conference rooms right now". 空いている会議室がないのでコーヒーを飲みながらそこで(コーヒーを飲んでいる場所)で話をしましょう。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • We don't have any meeting rooms available right now. Can we go to a cafe or somewhere outside the office?

  • All of our meeting rooms are booked, do you want to go to a cafe?

  • Our meeting rooms are full, sorry. Let's go somewhere outside the office.

We don't have any meeting rooms available right now. Can we go to a cafe or somewhere outside the office? - "available" = able to be used e.g. free, unoccupied All of our meeting rooms are booked, do you want to go to a cafe? - "booked" = reserved in advance e.g. reserved, unavailable Our meeting rooms are full, sorry. Let's go somewhere outside the office. - "full" = to have no space; to contain as much as possible e.g. occupied, taken, in use
例文 We don't have any meeting rooms available right now. Can we go to a cafe or somewhere outside the office? 今使える会議室がありません。カフェかオフィスの外の別の場所に行きませんか - "available" =使用できる、開いている、使われていない All of our meeting rooms are booked, do you want to go to a cafe? 会議室は全て予約されている、カフェに行きたいですか? - "booked" =予約済みだ、 同義語:reserved, unavailable Our meeting rooms are full, sorry. Let's go somewhere outside the office. すみませんが、当社の会議室は一杯です。オフィスの外の別の場所に行きましょう - "full" = 場所がない、一杯だ、同義語:occupied, taken, in use
Mikayla C DMM英会話講師
  • The conference rooms are all being used at this time. Let's go somewhere else.

  • The business meeting rooms are all booked. We have to find somewhere else to go.

  • I will look for another place for us to meet. The conference rooms are not available.

These rooms are commonyl refered to as: conference rooms, conference hall, or meeting rooms. You can say they are full, not available, or booked. You can suggest going somewhere else: "Let's go to a cafe or some other place nearby to have our meeting because the conference rooms are not available."
これらの部屋は一般的に conference rooms, conference hall,又はmeeting roomsと表記されます。これらの部屋が一杯だ、利用できない、予約済みだと言うことが出来ます。別の場所に行くことを提案することも出来ます。 例文 "Let's go to a cafe or some other place nearby to have our meeting because the conference rooms are not available." 会議室が使えないので、カフェか別の場所に行って会議をしましょう
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
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