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2016/11/23 17:23
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  • How time flies

  • One year goes by so fast

How time flies=[時間が立つのってはやいこと]( Time fliesだけでも伝わります。Howを付けるとちょっとしんみりしたニュアンスが足されます。 One year goes by so fast=[一年](が立つのって早いよね goes by so fast で「経つのがとてもはやい」となります。 One year went by so fastと過去形で言うと「一年経つのはやかったよね」と二人で共有した時間を指す事になります。
  • Time flies

  • Time goes by really fast

  • The year has gone by really fast

This means that the year has gone by really fast. You can use the above sentences to express that.
これは、[月日の経つのが早い](ことを表す表現です。 上記の表現を使って、それを表すことが出来ます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • This year flew by

  • It's hard to believe how time flies in one year

This year flew byというの意味は大体「今年の時間が経つのが速い」です。 The expression "flew by" is used to express how quick time passes by as if it were a car or a plane flying past you in a flash. This type of expression is used when you're talking to someone at the end of the year about all of the things that happened for example: Eddy: Man, it's already December. You remember when we went to the beach for spring break in March and got together for Chris's birthday in June? It almost feels like it all just happened yesterday. Corey: Yeah man, this year flew by. Eddy: Seriously, It's hard to believe how time flies in one year.
This year flew byというの意味は大体「今年の時間が経つのが速い」です。 "flew by"という表現は、まるで車や飛行機が目の前を一瞬で走り去るように時間がとても早く過ぎることを意味します。 このタイプの表現は、年末の頃その年に起こった色々な事を回想しながら話す時に良く聞かれます。 Eddy: Man, it's already December. You remember when we went to the beach for spring break in March and got together for Chris's birthday in June? It almost feels like it all just happened yesterday. (もう、12月だね。3月の春休みに海に行ったことや6月にクリスの誕生日で皆で集まったの覚えてる?昨日のことみたいに感じるよ) Corey: Yeah man, this year flew by.(あぁ、今年もあっという間だった) Eddy: Seriously, It's hard to believe how time flies in one year. (ほんと、一年経つのが早いよな)
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • It's amazing how fast a year goes by.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 全力回答します。 {英訳例} It's amazing how fast a year goes by. 一年って早いね。 ↓ it is amazing …には驚かされる how fast a year goes by 一年が過ぎる早さ ~~~~~~ {解説} amazing は amaze の形容詞形で、「驚くほどの」(英辞郎)という意味です。 go by は「(時間が)経過する」です。 主語 it は「形式主語」とされるもので、意味はありません。 意味上の主語は how fast a year goes by です。 ~~~~~~ ほかにもいろいろな言い方ができると思います。 一例とお考えください。 ありがとうございました。
  • Time has gone by so quickly this year!

  • Where did this year go?

  • This year has gone by in a flash.

'In a flash' = incredibly quickly
In a flash' = 驚くべき速さで
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The year went by in a blink of an eye.

  • Last year went by crazy fast.

The expression "blink of an eye" would be a reference to quickly or how fast your eye blinks almost as if you don't notice how fast you blink or take notice of when you blink your eye. Therefore the year went by so fast almost unnoticed like the blink of an eye. The term "crazy" can be used to explain something that is extreme or beyond normal. Some years may go by and it feels normal. But some years may seem to go by crazy or extremely fast quicker than most.
瞬きをするとき早すぎて自分が瞬きをしていると気がつかないように"blink of an eye"は、瞬く間、とても早いことを表します。 よって1年が瞬きのように一瞬に過ぎ去ってしまったという意味になります。 "crazy" は何かが常軌を逸脱していることを表します。 普通の速さに感じる一年もあるでしょう。 しかしあるときまた一年がいつもよりもずっと早く感じるかもしれません。
Stephen C DMM英会話講師
  • The time has gone by so fast, I can't believe it has already been a year.

  • Time is flying...

  • Time flies when you're having fun

These are expressions used when we're discussing how fast time goes by.
Celeste O DMM英語講師
  • Time flew by in the last one year.

  • It feels like this last year has gone by so quickly.

If you would like to explain to someone that you feel this year has gone by so quickly, you can say something like "I feel like the year has flown by us." or "I feel like a year passed by so quickly.". These are some easy and common ways to explain to someone that time seems to be flying right by you.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • This year has truly flown by.

  • Wow, time flies.

  • Where has this year gone?

This is a phrase that would be used when reminiscing about the last twelve months with friends or family. Looking back over the last year and talking about all that has happened it generally feels like so much has happened in such a short period of time... Hence the phrase : 'This year has truly flown by.'
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • One year passes by so quickly!

  • One year passes by like the blink of an eye!

Using the phrase: one year passes by so quickly! Is a literal way to describe that a single year goes by very fast. When you use the phrase: one year passes by like the blink of an eye! The blink of an eye is very quick, so this expression is used to describe the same thing.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Time flies by

  • Where did the year go?

Does time really fly when you're having fun? When time flies by, it goes really quickly. "The year has absolutely flown by! I can't believe it is almost Christmas!" You can also use it plurally, "The years are absolutely flying by, it seems like only yesterday we were teenagers!" "Where did the year go?" is a rhetorical question and there is no need to answer it. It just adds a dramatic effect & states that the year went by so fast.
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • One year passes by so fast.

  • Time flies.

One year passes by so fast. 1年ってはやいね〜。 Time flies. 時が経つのははやいね〜。 time flies は「時が経つのははやい」を表す定番の英語フレーズです。 飛ぶようにはやいというイメージでしょうか。 例: Time flies when you're having fun. 楽しんでるときは時が経つのがはやい。
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