世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/12/01 12:24
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  • It's sometimes easier to understand a complicated situation with a clearer head on a different day.

It's sometimes easier to understand a complicated situation with a clearer mind on a different day. 頭がすっきりしている別日の方が、複雑な状況を理解しやすかったりすることが時々あります。というのが直訳となります。 complicated situationはほかにも、complicated problem, difficult questionなど複雑な問題、難しい問いなどとすることもできるかと思います。
Yuiko Manager Research & Administration, ECC Junior講師
  • Things we find difficult today, may be easier tomorrow after some rest.

This is a good way to explain that if you are tired and finding things difficult to complete or do, then sometimes it is good to take a break or even leave it until the next day so you mind becomes clearer and refreshed - ready for a new day.
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Tomorrow's another day!

  • We'll see it with fresh eyes in the morning!

  • We'll see it in a new light tomorrow!

Tomorrow is another day,' means that no matter how bad today is there is a new beginning in the morning. 'We'll see it with fresh eyes in the morning' - This means seeing familiar things or problematic situations as if you've never seen them before, i.e. with the same sense of newness and discovery that you presumably felt the first time you experienced them. See someone or something in a new light, means to understand someone or something in a different way than before. "After we had a little discussion, I began to see Fred in a new light. I can now see the problem in a new light."
`Tomorrow is another day,'-今日がどんなに悪い日であっても、明日の朝は新しい一日の始まりであるという表現です。 'We'll see it with fresh eyes in the morning' -慣れ親しんだ状況や問題を初めての経験の様に感じ、新鮮な目で見る事ができるという意味です。 `See someone or something in a new light,`-以前とは違ったやり方で誰かや何かを理解することを意味します。 例:"After we had a little discussion, I began to see Fred in a new light." (フレッドと少し話し合いをした後、彼を見る目が変わりました) " I can now see the problem in a new light." (今は、新しい観点から問題を見れるようになりました。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I will try tackle this tomorrow with a fresh mind.

  • I think it be best if I try deal with this tomorrow with a refreshed mind.

*I will try tackle this tomorrow with a fresh mind. To tackle something means to approach or go about something. Therefore this sentence means that you will try approach this issue/problem with a fresh new mind. *I think it be best if I try deal with this tomorrow with a refreshed mind. This means that you would like to study or work tomorrow because you feel tired and feel you can work/study better once your mind is refreshed.
*I will try tackle this tomorrow with a fresh mind. (新たな気持ちでまた明日トライしてみます) "To tackle"とは何かに取り組むという様な意味です。 ですので、新たな気持ちで問題に取り組みます、と言う意味です。 *I think it be best if I try deal with this tomorrow with a refreshed mind. (リフレッシュした気持ちで明日取り組んだ方がいい気がします) これは、疲れているのでリフレッシュしてからまた明日取り組んだ方がいい、と言う意味になります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Sometimes you just need a break to clear your mind.

  • Sleep on it, and it'll come to you tomorrow.

sleep on it - the phrase means to get some rest to let it sit in your mind a little while it'll come to you - the idea or answer will come to your mind more easily than if you are constantly thinking about it A. I can't remember the name of the last move I saw. B. Just sleep on it, it'll come to you after a while.
sleep on it - 休んでしばらく時間が経ってから意味を浸透させるという意味です it'll come to you - ずっと考えなくてもいずれ意味がわかってくるという意味です (英文)A. I can't remember the name of the last move I saw. B. Just sleep on it, it'll come to you after a while. (訳) A. 前みた映画の名前が思い出せない B. ずっと考えなくても、いずれ思い出すよ。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • What might seem difficult today, may actually be very simple after a day's rest.

Usually, if you are tired or exhausted on a particular day, you may find it very difficult to understand or effectively accomplish tasks. This is normal because the body's ability to respond to stimuli will have diminished. In such a case, it is recommended that you take a rest and continue with the tasks the following day. It is often found that what appeared to be difficult the previous day, is actually very easy today after a day's rest. So, you may say: What might seem difficult today, may actually be very simple after a day's rest.
たいてい、疲れていると、理解に苦しんだり、やるべきことが効率よくできなかったりします。これは、それに応えようとする体の能力が低下しているので自然なことです。 このような場合は、休憩をとって次の日にその課題に取り組むことをお勧めします。前の日に難しいと思っていたことが、一日休憩することで実は簡単だったとわかるでしょう。   What might seem difficult today, may actually be very simple after a day's rest. 今日難しいと思ったことが、一日休んだら実はとても簡単だとわかる。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • This task will be easier tomorrow when I am refreshed.

You can explain that certain things that are difficult on one day are easier the next day after resting by saying: "This task will be easier tomorrow when I am refreshed."
「難しいと思ったことが休むと次の日には簡単に分かるときがある」は次のように言えます。 "This task will be easier tomorrow when I am refreshed." (この仕事は明日頭をスッキリさせてからやれば簡単にできると思う)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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