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毎日、重いものを運ぶので、 派遣社員や正社員に文書で 痛いところかないかを確認します。
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2016/12/01 13:27
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  • Do your limbs hurt anywhere?

  • Do you have any pain in your hands or feet?

  • Do you have any pain in your arms or legs?

「limbs」は 「肢」(arms and legs)です。
Tim Young 主催
  • Do you have any aches or pains?

  • Are you in pain anywhere in your body?

In order to ask someone if they hurt anywhere in the body, you can say: Do you have any aches or pains? An ache - A dull pain A pain - Any hurting area, sometimes a sharp or specific pain. Sometimes doctors can ask this question. The person can say if they are hurting anywhere. You can also ask: Are you in pain anywhere in your body? To be 'in pain' means to be hurting somewhere. Anywhere in your body - In any place in the body, arms, legs etc. I hope that helps!
体のどこかが痛まないかを聞くには、こう言うことができます。 Do you have any aches or pains? an ache - ずーんとした鈍い痛み a pain - 痛む部分、刺すような痛みや、特定した痛み お医者さんはときどきこの質問をすることがあります。質問された相手は、痛い場所があるかないかを答えることができます。 また、このような質問もできます。 Are you in pain anywhere in your body? in pain とは、どこかに痛みがあるという意味です。 anywhere in your body - 体のなかのどこか、腕や足など。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any pain?

  • Does any of your limbs hurt?

Pain is the feeling of great discomfort you have, for example when you have been hurt or when you are ill. Your limbs are your arms and legs. If you hurt yourself or hurt a part of your body, you feel pain because you have injured yourself. 'Do you have any pain?' 'Does any of your limbs hurt?'
痛みは、非常に不快な感覚です。 例えば、怪我をしたときや病気になったときなど。 「Your limbs」とは、腕や脚のことです。 あなたが怪我をしたり、体の一部を怪我したりする場合、負傷するので、痛みを感じます。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Are you hurt?

  • Have you injured yourself?

  • Are your limbs in any pain?

1. Are you hurt? You could simply ask this question, which would include anywhere on the person's body. 2. Have you injured yourself? Injured means harmed or damaged. 3. Are your limbs in any pain? The arms and legs are the limbs. So if the person has hurt his arms and legs, then his limbs would be in pain.
1. Are you hurt? 体のどこかは関係なく、痛むところはあるかと尋ねるシンプルな質問です。 2. Have you injured yourself? 「Injured」とは、被害を受けたことやダメージを受けたことを意味します。 3. Are your limbs in any pain? 「limbs」とは腕と足のことです。 腕と足を痛めたのであれば、手足は痛いだろう。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any scars on your arms and legs?

  • Did you get hurt on your arms or legs?

1)Do you have any scars on your arms and legs? - This means you would like to know if they have been hurt before on their arms or legs. 2)Did you get hurt on your arms or legs? - This means you would like if they got hurt on their arms or legs. This refers to something that has just happened. Maybe they were riding a bike and they fell and you want to know if they are fine.
1)Do you have any scars on your arms and legs? 手や足が痛いかどうか知りたいという意味です。 2)Did you get hurt on your arms or legs? 腕や足が痛いかどうか知りたいという意味です。 何かがあったことを示します。 例えば、彼らがバイクに乗っていて、転んだとすると、あなたは、彼らが大丈夫か知りたいでしょう。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Do you feel any pain in your arms or legs?

  • Do your arms or legs hurt?

The little boy is only six years old and has been taken to the doctor's surgery for examination after falling off his bike. He is very pale and seems quiet and possibly shocked by what has happened to him. He seems to be limping and is holding is right elbow. The doctor touches the boy's elbow and legs, but there is no reaction: "Do you feel any pain in your arms or legs?" "Just a little." "OK, I think you need an Xray."
その小さい子はたった6歳で、自転車事故の後、外科病院に連れてかれた。 彼は自分に起こった出来事に対してショックなのかか細く静かに見える。 彼は足を引きずって、右ひじを抱えている。医者がその子の肘と足を触ったが、何の反応もない。 会話例 "Do you feel any pain in your arms or legs?" 手や足に痛みはない? "Just a little." ちょっとだけ。 "OK, I think you need an Xray." レントゲンとったほうがいいかもしれないね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Are you hurt (anywhere)?

  • Do your arms or legs hurt?

  • Do you have any pain (on your arms or legs)?

When you want to ask someone whether they are suffering from any kind of pain on their arms or legs, then you can say it in the following ways: -Are you hurt (anywhere)? -Do your arms or legs hurt? -Do you have any pain (on your arms or legs)?
手足に痛いところがないか相手に確認したい時は、次のように聞けます: 【例文】 -Are you hurt (anywhere)? 〔訳〕(どこか)痛いところはありますか? -Do your arms or legs hurt? 〔訳〕手足は痛みますか? -Do you have any pain (on your arms or legs)? 〔訳〕(手や足に)どこか痛いところはありますか?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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